(A)Scarlet Raven grand opening. 9/27/2011

On Tuesday 9/27/2011 at 6pm server time

The Grand opening of the Scarlet Raven Inn in Darkshire will be opening to the SoE Alliance side RP community. This opening will not just be "Another tavern/Inn" RP event because it will serve as the starting effort to turn Darkshire into a RP hub for all Alliance side RP'ers of SoE, allowing our community to take root strongly into one of many area's of Azeroth.

The event idea is to bring the Alliance side RP community together, to celebrate in RP community spirit, and to energize the RP for all people. This is only one step to improving our RP community but it is a step that will serve for the greater good.

More to come after this event...this is just the start ;)

host: Stethren Von Krete, Proud RPer of the SoE RP Community
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Well late arrival on my part do to real life matters. The Event went off greatly with many faces to be seen at the Inn!

Big thanks to the RP guilds that made a presence at the Scarlet Raven

The Hand of Justice
Underground Covenant
Dor Shanre
The Rangers of Alterac
Justitia Ruat Coelum

and many faces outside the guilds.
Edited by Stethren on 9/28/2011 2:48 AM PDT
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