Rogue LF raiding guild

My rogue is a 31/2/8 Assassination spec, with an ilevel of 346. I've not currently done any raids in Cataclysm as of yet, but have experience in raiding throughout all of WoW.

In Vanilla, TBC and Wrath I raided in a progression guild on Shadow Council server. I played a Resto Druid back then, whom I have recently grown tired of. With that character, I cleared every raid there was, and was always on the leading edge on ShC.

What I offer:
Great attitude overall. I do not complain about not getting drops. I do not create or contribute to drama. 110% effort each and every raid. I bring my own mats to the raid, I don't expect to be handed anything, either from the members or from the guild bank. Knowledge of my class and of raids. Although I have not done any raiding in the current content, I do read up on strategies, so I am always prepared.

What I am looking for:
A guild that is there to have fun, first and foremost. The part that drove my last guild apart and forced me from enjoying my Druid was the amount of people that complained relentlessly about how raiding is bad, it's like a second job, etc. I want to be able to make friends, get on vent and just shoot the breeze if nothing is going on. I'm also not an avid role player, but I can and will get into it with the right people.

My availability is a little odd; my work schedule is from Friday - Monday. I work from 6am-5pm on Fri/Sat/Mon and from 8am-7pm on Sundays. So my normal raid times would be something around 6pm-whenever Monday/Tues/Wednesday and possibly 7pm-12am on Sundays.

I also have no intention to do a race change or server transfer at this time, as I like the community on SoE.

If you have any questions for me, please respond here, send me a tell in-game at Harumi or whisper me whenever I am online.

Thanks for reading.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
If you're looking for raid experience, check out Rijda's Wrecking Crew raids -
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While that is a nice thing that they have going on, it's not really what I'm looking for. Plus, the times they are doing most of their raids aren't really going to work with the schedule I have. I'd like to find an actual guild that I can raid with and get to know.

But I do appreciate the fast reply, thanks for taking the time to do that.
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85 Orc Death Knight

What was the name of the Resto Druid back on Shadow Council? I did a bit of raiding there myself "back in the day". :-)
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