Riddle of Steel is starting up their 3rd 10 man Firelands group and I'm in search of a couple of raid aware and intelligent healers to fill in our last available spots in this group.
No, you do NOT have to be a part of Riddle to raid with this group but there are a few conditions to be aware of:
1.) RoS uses Mumble as their communication program of choice. I know, Skype is considered bettererer by a lot of people and Vent is more convenient to the whole of the SoE raiding community but I don't care. We use Mumble, so if you want to come to FL with us, so will you.
2.) We will be raiding on Thursday nights, 7-10pm server. One night a month we will start a half an hour later due to a work conflict. If you sign up, I do expect you to be there, 15 minutes ahead of time, with bells on, your own consumables and ready to go. No pre-raid pooping, AFK dinner is on, etc etc. If you sign up, please show up, or I will be forced to show you to the door (barring some kind of unforseen emergency).
3.) If you're looking to lead or expect us to be wow'd by your "One time at band camp, we pulled Shannox like this" feedback, you will be disappoint. I will be leading the raid and I will be using the strats already established and perfected (lawl) by the other two 10 mans we are currently running. I'm looking for raiders who can take direction and not cop-a-tude if we do something differently than the tankspot or L2R video did it.
4.) Everyone will be expected to know all the Fireland fights ahead of time. I will be offering brief explainations of our strats and where I'd like people to be/go/do but I'm not going to spell out every detail of every boss. That's just a waste of all our times if you can spend 15 minutes on your own looking things up.
5.) This will be a "new" raid in that most people will be our main raiders bringing alts, or will be first timers in Firelands, but that doesn't mean you need to come to me in a smattering of blues and greens. Please be geared appropriately and know how to play your class. If you're being embarrassed on the damage meters or can't seem to stay out of the fire, then I'll have to look into replacing you.
If you are still interested, please contact myself in game so I can check over your gear and make sure you have all your ducks in a row. You can find me on Atrophy or Arlovski on most nights but if I'm not around, you can contact a guild member and they will point you in the right direction.
I'd like to start this as soon as I get enough interest...this Thursday if possible!
Thank you in advance. :-)
No, you do NOT have to be a part of Riddle to raid with this group but there are a few conditions to be aware of:
1.) RoS uses Mumble as their communication program of choice. I know, Skype is considered bettererer by a lot of people and Vent is more convenient to the whole of the SoE raiding community but I don't care. We use Mumble, so if you want to come to FL with us, so will you.
2.) We will be raiding on Thursday nights, 7-10pm server. One night a month we will start a half an hour later due to a work conflict. If you sign up, I do expect you to be there, 15 minutes ahead of time, with bells on, your own consumables and ready to go. No pre-raid pooping, AFK dinner is on, etc etc. If you sign up, please show up, or I will be forced to show you to the door (barring some kind of unforseen emergency).
3.) If you're looking to lead or expect us to be wow'd by your "One time at band camp, we pulled Shannox like this" feedback, you will be disappoint. I will be leading the raid and I will be using the strats already established and perfected (lawl) by the other two 10 mans we are currently running. I'm looking for raiders who can take direction and not cop-a-tude if we do something differently than the tankspot or L2R video did it.
4.) Everyone will be expected to know all the Fireland fights ahead of time. I will be offering brief explainations of our strats and where I'd like people to be/go/do but I'm not going to spell out every detail of every boss. That's just a waste of all our times if you can spend 15 minutes on your own looking things up.
5.) This will be a "new" raid in that most people will be our main raiders bringing alts, or will be first timers in Firelands, but that doesn't mean you need to come to me in a smattering of blues and greens. Please be geared appropriately and know how to play your class. If you're being embarrassed on the damage meters or can't seem to stay out of the fire, then I'll have to look into replacing you.
If you are still interested, please contact myself in game so I can check over your gear and make sure you have all your ducks in a row. You can find me on Atrophy or Arlovski on most nights but if I'm not around, you can contact a guild member and they will point you in the right direction.
I'd like to start this as soon as I get enough interest...this Thursday if possible!
Thank you in advance. :-)