SoE RP community contest (10/5/2011)


Salutations Brothers and Sisters of the Sisters of Elune RP Community, today I bring you a chance to really flex your ability to show your favorite major WoW character some love. Today will be the beginning of the SoE RP community contest to make a poem about your favorite lore figure. Without halting of your progression to write the poem much longer, just take note of the following;

Posting due date / vote due date
• All entries must be posted before the 16th at 12am west coast time.
• Voting starts on the 16th and will be held at with all poems listed and by whom.
• If posting entry on head to The SoE Lounge - Look for the contest announcement - Post in there.

Contest rules
• Cannot use a player character
• Cannot have strong sexual content
• Cannot have drug usage
• Cannot bash –ANY- players or guilds
• Can be about any lore figure you want – King Wrynn, Warchief Garrosh, Broxigar, Shandris, and etc…
• The poem –DOES NOT- have to rhyme
• Posting the poem can be a reply to this thread or be posted directly to

First place – 1000 gold
Second place – 500 gold
Third place – 250 gold

Breaking any of the rules will result in your entry being dropped from the contest on the due date for entries.

Now that this is all taken care of – FIRE IT UP RP’ERS!

(Had to do Light edit work)
Edited by Tãmz on 10/5/2011 12:09 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Druid
Updated and passed the word on Insomnia's guild site, sound like alot of fun ^.^
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