Hello SoE!

85 Human Rogue
It's been a few weeks since me and <Ego> have left the server, and I just wanted to say hi!

I see A LOT of guilds have finally got 7/7 and I wanted to throw out a congrats! (Rag is still a !@#$% nerfed ;p)

Ego is doing great btw! (as you can see we're no longer Ego)..but we still are at heart!

I can't say I miss the server too much, BUT I do miss some of the people!

Best of luck to your future endeavors, keep trollin, and don't stand in fire!

Best wishes!
Edited by Killermusic on 10/12/2011 7:00 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
I miss you!
You didn't tell me you left D:
So mean </3
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85 Human Rogue
Awe Aqua!! I miss you too! Ya, me and Ego went to Proudmoore so we could recruit more and we've been pwning face since :D.

Buy ya, i heart you!! add me to real id woman...ill pst it to sar or something and she can give it to you (shes on my realid) :)
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100 Night Elf Druid
I will tell Sarr to tell you to give me your email orrr tell you my name so you can find me on her friends!!!
And thats awesome! I'm glad you guys are pwning face there!
I'd move but I have sooooo much fun here even if the server is crap haha!
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85 Night Elf Druid
Well..that just sounds like a lot of he said/she said lol.

Ya, I do kinda miss the people on SoE for sure..it's just that a lot of the good people have left :(
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I will hate you forever for leaving me heart broken.... Forever...... Mostly Aqua, but she hates me so its nulled!
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