[H] <Shadow Soldiers> (Updated 11-8-2011)

100 Tauren Druid
Shadow Soldiers is looking for you.

Shadow Soldiers is currently a 10 man raiding guild. We have progressed 12/12 with 4.0 Content and 6/7 in Firelands. We typically have two different groups raiding, the first being the core progression group and the other being an open or alt based group. We have been focusing with Firelands with the core group and will do both sets of content with the open group.

Recruitment is Currently: OPEN

We are in need of people that can show up for every scheduled raid and stay the full duration of 3 hours. Our typical times have been 7-10 Server Time (8-11 Eastern).

If you can be on in this time frame then please contact any officer. (Talda Hellhound Reedemption Ishnee), or /who shadow soldiers, talk to any member and ask for an officer in case we are on an alt.
Edited by Ishnee on 11/8/2011 10:32 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Bumpity Bump.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
I hear DC is an awesome healer.
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