Share your derp moments here.

85 Human Warrior
As title says.

I'll start.

Once, while defending the Gold Mine in Arathi Basin I was standing there being bored as a bull in a mountain. I let this undergeared Horde steal the flag while I was staring blanky at my surroundings due to boredom.

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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I wore a cooking hat to our first nef kill.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I just have horrible ADD and get distracted in the middle of raids easily, lol. Like staring at Yogg-Saron and thinking about how much he looks like Cthulhu and how WoW rips off so much crap from H. P. Lovecraft that it isn't funny and before I realize that I've gotten sidetracked, I'm insane and then my raid has to kill me.
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85 Tauren Druid
I wore Finkle's Skinner for an entire night of attempts on Rag, including my guilds first downing. (Though it only took 3 tries considering that was the night of the nerf /sigh)
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100 Night Elf Druid
This one time in band camp...


Hm, one of my derp moments would be I was on skype while doing an RBG and was on vent as well and I was just trying to talk on skype and ended up talking in both skype and vent because I held the push to talk button down by mistake. Yep, that's my derp moment!
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85 Human Warrior
Posting another here for lulz, this one was back in Wrath.

I once dropped my house keys from the table by accidentally swiping my hand on it. So as I picked it up, I heard someone screaming in vent: "OI, GOTTFRIED. PULL".

.........I forgot I was in the middle of tanking Toravon. (This was when he first came out).
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100 Night Elf Druid
Hm, one of my other derp moments would be in in wrath in icc 25man.
Was my first time on festergut or rotface(cant remember which one) in 25 man and I was sitting there listening to the explanation. I hit typhoon because I was bored and thought I was facing the wall so it wouldn't hit the boss. Well, I was wrong. I was facing the boss and it pulled mid explanation of the fight. I wasn't kicked from the raid, but man it was pretty derpy XD
Edited by Aquä on 10/17/2011 11:44 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
I love it when i cant find my healing spells, but then remember its because I am on my hunter, not my shamman, lol
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100 Night Elf Druid
I love it when I'm on my mage and I'm looking for lifebloom...
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100 Orc Warrior
Gonna just win the thread right here and now.

I was a Belf war from Cata release until today.
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100 Night Elf Druid
But..that's not derpy!
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85 Blood Elf Priest
There was this night at Al'akir, everyone was a little bit frustrated already since we had wipe after wipe, then when the tank was getting getting ready to pull again, I opened my inventory to use a flask, but I accidentaly clicked a , Thornling Seed.

Oh god what have I done?. There was nothing I could do other than watching this little tiny plant grow and grow and then using an aoe that pulled the boss, at this point I'm yelling, omg! omg!, stoooop, noooo.

Edit: No I was not kicked from the raid.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Don't you just love those things? Haha!
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100 Orc Warrior
Gonna just win the thread right here and now.

I was a Belf war from Cata release until today.

Because expertise and an AP cd are more important with a 500% threat modifier than an AoE silence/interrupt and additional spell resist, yes? :P

Actually not being a belf is more important than an AoE silence/interrupt +15 rage and additional arcane resist.

Hell the stun duration reduction is better than the arcane resist when it comes to FL trash... is there even any arcane dmg in the whole place?
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90 Troll Rogue
Don't you just love those things? Haha!

Yes, yes I loved them, that is why is spend some time going back to farm those seeds.

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100 Night Elf Druid
10/27/2011 11:08 AMPosted by Arialna
Yes, yes I loved them, that is why is spend some time going back to farm those seeds.

I use to, now I don't as much.
I usually just get them on my alts that I keep making and deleting rofl
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85 Undead Rogue
I have a few, but my most legendary would probably be my death on Saurfang in ICC25H. You see, I do so much damage that he decided to one shot me mid-RP.

Also, no poisons on more bosses than I'd care to admit makes for pretty sweet deeps.

I definitely have never ran off Magmaw's ledge mid-fight or auto-attacked Chim/Al'akir before the pull.

Any rumors you have heard of me breaking a weapon as a DK on Marrowgar and pulling out an ilvl 60 fishing pole to tank with have been greatly exaggerated.

So, anyway. I'm pretty good at World of Warcraft.
Edited by Ghoul on 11/2/2011 9:00 PM PDT
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