Share your derp moments here.

100 Night Elf Druid
Oh! My favorite moment when I was levelin' my first pally was in a BG, I was still semi-new to the game, was lazy and tended not to read spells fully :P
So I was in this BG, I had just gotten DI. I didn't bother to read it other than that I cast it on others, so I casted it on this other pally in the BG. It was hilarious because it was more of a derp moment for them since they had no clue what had just happened!
And one time in icc10 with a bunch of my friends, I DI'd the tank just as he pulled festergut, went straight for our healer and we wiped. The DI was a mistake, I put it next to my might and instead of buffing I wiped the raid. Teehee, woopsies on my part :P
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I made Aiona do arc/hpal in arena, that pretty much sums it up.
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100 Orc Warrior
11/03/2011 07:49 PMPosted by Rijda
Any rumors you have heard of me breaking a weapon as a DK on Marrowgar and pulling out an ilvl 60 fishing pole to tank with have been greatly exaggerated.

In BC, my weapon broke while tanking Hyjal trash.

I started tanking with the Brewfest mug.

Was actually decently effective.

As I recall, you should have kept like 4 spare shields in your bags too. What, they broke like every hour on the hour? I'd've passed on offspec rolls just so you could have extras.
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85 Human Warrior
When I was still in <Clockwerk> during Wrath, I did a guild run for Heroics.

We got Drak'Tharon Keep but I decided to DPS in my Leonidas outfit and hilarity ensues.
Edited by Gottfried on 11/8/2011 6:10 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Druid
Edited by Taekna on 12/28/2015 10:57 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Druid
New derp moment for me that just happened yesterday!
I rolled a warlock, never played one before so thought it was time to try.
I was in wsg with a friend..we had just killed several people and I was oom, so, as a lock and having life tap, I decided to do so, but what I didn't notice is a feral druid had just opened on me..yep. I life tapped with a feral on me, I'm pro. I lived too! But because I had a healer with me rofl :P
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Hmmm, tooling around in ICC the other day, I jump down the elevator chute heading into Sindys lair. Instead of iceblocking I fail and hit invis ><
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100 Night Elf Druid
Haha that reminds me of when I was attemptin sindy on my pally, went to hit bubble and I hit hand of freedom, when jumpin down that elevator haha! Was funny!
Edited by Aquä on 11/11/2011 9:47 PM PST
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85 Night Elf Druid
I'm constantly having derp moments while healing. I played my rogue back in Wrath all the time (she was my only maxx lvl toon) when I'm healing a lot of the time, I run up and try to melee the boss cause I'm so used to being on my rogue. You'd think after, idk, the 10th time of doing it, I'd knock it off, but it's still a habbit as of today :p.

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100 Orc Warrior
I'm constantly having derp moments while healing. I played my rogue back in Wrath all the time (she was my only maxx lvl toon) when I'm healing a lot of the time, I run up and try to melee the boss cause I'm so used to being on my rogue. You'd think after, idk, the 10th time of doing it, I'd knock it off, but it's still a habbit as of today :p.


Back in BC I was visiting a friend who let me play an AV on her mage, since at the time this warrior was the only toon I had over level 10. I was so used to just right-clicking things to target/attack, lil' frosty mage sho' 'nough runs right into the fray and gets all wacky with her staff... I also didn't read "flamestrike" tool tip at first, and just assumed it was like D&D's "add a buttload of fire dmg to your melee strikes".

Still, nothing beats being in Kara, coasting just over tank's threat, not enough to pull boss off him, but just enough to take away his immunity to Enfeeble. Tank with 1 max HP FTW.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I derp lots, and yesterday I was tankin on my 74 pally, I forgot RF(I had just switched back from doin BGs as ret). I had just entered utguarde keep, pulled alllll the mobs at the start..and lost them all and caused a wipe. Lol..I'm so pro!
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100 Night Elf Druid
I'm constantly having derp moments while healing. I played my rogue back in Wrath all the time (she was my only maxx lvl toon) when I'm healing a lot of the time, I run up and try to melee the boss cause I'm so used to being on my rogue. You'd think after, idk, the 10th time of doing it, I'd knock it off, but it's still a habbit as of today :p.


lol I do the opposite of you!
Well, I stopped now, but I use to go and heal people while I was dps'ing..hahaha
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85 Human Warrior
Headbanging to music while Pvp-ing makes you immortal.

But it also makes you prone to too much headbanging to the point you forgot you're carrying the opposing factions flag and your flag has been returned like 20 seconds ago.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Sometimes, when I have lead for arenas, I forget to que and think we're sitting in que and I ask in vent/skype "why hasn't the que popped yet?" >_> I'm blonde irl >_>
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90 Human Paladin
Switching specs drops Righteous Fury, constant derp moment since i don't normally use my other spec.

Walking into a doorway for 2 mins not realizing im on my proto still.

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85 Human Warrior
One does not simply charge, pop Reckless, and Bladestorm a bunch of mobs especially when the tank hasn't dropped consecrate or Thunderclap yet.

Rumors of me spinning myself to death while having Sweeping Strikes/Recklessness/Bladestorm combo up are highly exaggerated and not to be taken seriously.
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