World RP [A/H]

85 Blood Elf Warlock
Just gathering the opinion of both Alliance and Horde on World RP versus city/tavern/social RP. Essentially, I am wanting to get some Hyjal/Twilight Highlands/Deepholme/Uldum/ETC. RP started as opposed to sitting around in a city and chit-chatting about this or that.

My thought on this is possibly to have an organization much like <Arc> used to be (where just because you weren't in the guild didn't mean you weren't ICly part of the Arc military), for each faction. And those organizations are competing against one another in archaeological finds, support in the battles of Hyjal/Firelands, and the campaigns against the various smaller things going on in Azeroth at the time.

Said organization would go all over the place and we would have weekly events to progress our story arc. If the people involved felt COMFORTABLE, we would even involve NPCs. If not, that's fine too. :)

Essentially, I am looking for a way to bring not only RP back, but RP that actually involves the lore of the game and the timeline of the game. Thoughts, opinions? Ideas are never perfect and always incomplete, so commentary is much appreciated.
Edited by Nemaiin on 10/11/2011 9:18 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Paladin
I strongly support this. While I'm currently a leader for an All Draenei Spec Ops guild (and still short of waggle), I'd love to have another guild as an opposition to the Protectorate's cause from reading what you've typed here!

By all means, count me in and I'll see how many draenei I can muster.


High Exemplar Jeramakus
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Awesome! Encourage your Alliance buddies to come read this thread and see if some World RP and a "race to be the best in X" on Azeroth is RP they'd be interested in.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Many people have tried this and guilds like Arc were one of a kind, but power to ya if you can get it to work. A lot of folks, myself included have tried to get mass plot driven RP moving but, it's easier said than done. I found it a lot easier on Alli than Horde.

I recommend keeping it lore friendly RP doesn't fall in one's lap you need to get off yer bum and make it happen. The flip side is if the storyline seems a bit off, non lore friendly etc. It will be harder to get buy in from the quality RPers that are on the server.
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85 Draenei Paladin
Nemaiin, when I have time I'll give you a holler. I have a toon Horde side, so if I see you online we're gonna have a lil' chat on what we can make out of this, k?
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Alright, sounds super cool. :) It's my birthday weekend, so I'm fairly busy save for Sunday, but I will do my best to be on! If you have Varrick or Ebonara on your RealID, you can add me through them. :)
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
I support idea, and if asked will happily take part in anything that has a chance of being a role playing experiance. Besdies the normal rp I tend to get, and after a long break I will not take such for granted, but it would be nice to have a group out in the world to rp with! I'm all for it, and think it's a good idea!

Would also help to be one more face, or body there if needed. Numbers can sometimes mean something I've been told? >.>
Edited by Telarian on 10/18/2011 4:36 PM PDT
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