Bloodhoof Brigands [H]

100 Tauren Warrior
Hello there

We are a small, friendly guild that is looking for some players who would like to play among others who are older and also more laid back than say your "typical" wow player.

We like to go at our own speed, rather than feel some innate pressure to join the "rat race"

So if you are one that like to take things more in stride while having a good time, be it doing a ten man, 5 man, pvp or questing, I think you would really enjoy being within Brigands!

We have quite a few couples that play as well, so those who find themselves looking for a guild that welcomes those who have family/real life responsibilities but who also enjoy playing then come join us!

All classes and races are welcome...we are looking for a full time tank as well.

So come join us...and enjoy the waffles

For the Horde!

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100 Blood Elf Mage
Kernhoof is one of the nicest players on this server. How's your bag space holding up?

<3 Bloodhoof Brigands
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