Congratulations Kalico on Blizzard MVP

90 Blood Elf Paladin

Congratulations and cheers to Kalico for attaining Blizzard Most Valuable Poster (MVP).

One of a new crop of those selected, Kali attained her status as of today, the change something well earned from her work in both the English and Spanish World of Warcraft Customer Support Forums.

Anyone who knows Kali knows that she is a passionate and dedicated individual. Her work in Riddle, her efforts in roleplaying, and achievements in other aspects of her "real world" life all speak to her drive and talents. These key components are only a select few of the many reasons I awarded her a key promotion in Riddle, continue to value her work as one of my guild's officers, appreciate her efforts as a raid lead and my co-tank, and - most of all - am proud to call her my friend after all these years and everything we have been through.

We in Riddle salute you on what I believe is a realm first for this honor. I am sure I speak for all under our banner when I say we are proud that one of our ilk has been recognized for something more valuable than grabbing a title that will be forgotten as soon as the next content patch rolls and more epic than a piece of gear we’ll end up sharding when the next raid comes.

We thank you, Kali, for being a good person to those seeking help in a world in which we all love to play.

Peace, <3, and Lok'tar,

PS - This better not make you miss raid.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
For more information on Blizzard's MVP program, please visit
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MVP - Customer Support
100 Tauren Druid
Lok'tar ogar, my sister!

(and grats!)
Customer Support Forum MVP
E-mail -
"In the name of Elune, I will punish you!"
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
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YAY!! That's Awesome news!! Grats Kalico!!!!!!!!!!!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
>8> <8< >8< <8>

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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Congratulations and a job well done!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Thank you all! :]

I still can't believe I was selected for this, I did a pretty awesome impersonation of the 'OMG cat' for two days after knowing this.

Like Bells mentioned I was selected for my contribution over on the Customer Service forums, so if anyone has any questions feel free to poke me if you see me in-game. Or even better post on the CS forums! We're a rather helpful group there :3

Rock on Sisters.
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MVP - LatAm
100 Worgen Death Knight

Greetings fron the Latinamerican forums.

Buen Trabajo y Felicitaciones :)


now... you will be staying here... or you will go back to the l.a. forums too? :P
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100 Night Elf Druid
Congrats! :]
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MVP - LatAm
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Kalico! <3.

Gratz Mr. Ambassador!

Spanish (LA) forums
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85 Human Warrior
Congratulations. 'Tis an honor for a backwater server like us.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Look at you, having people from other servers/sides of the world coming over to our neck of the woods. It really is a great honor to say that SoE holds one of Blizzard's MVPs. Makes us seem at least a little more credible, lol.
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