The Most Wonderful Time o' the Year!

85 Blood Elf Rogue
Once a year, every year, the assassins, thieves, and rogues of Ravenholdt Manor, led by Master Assassin Julian "Cayo" Evans, pick the lock of Lord Jorach's vault and pilfer his goods. Those dispatched elsewhere in Azeroth are called to the cause by the infamously simple Trahaearn Odanthis and join in by plundering the banks of the wealthy and wholly unsuspecting. "From the banks of the greedy to the pockets of the needy!" is their united hue and cry as they spirit away trinkets, pets, arms and armor to be gaily wrapped for random distribution on 22 December 2011 during the height of Winter Veil. "Fear not Rogues bearing gifts," says Master Cayo. "We come in the spirit of the season and in the spirit of giving. Giving away other's peoples sh*t, that is."

Look for Cayo, Trahaearn, and any one of a number of both Alliance and Horde Rogues giving away goodies in Stormwind and Orgrimmar on 22 December 2011 and, remember, do NOT shake the present if it is ticking.

(Note that Goblin crafted items may not be suitable for small children or those with delicate sensibilities. Lord Jorach Ravenholdt neither sanctions nor assumes responsibility for this event. Thank you.)
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Here here! Merry Winter Veil to all of you!
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90 Worgen Priest
(Note that Goblin crafted items may not be suitable for small children or those with delicate sensibilities.

Does "delicate sensibilities" mean flammable clothing?
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90 Gnome Mage
12/21/2011 09:56 AMPosted by Teldessa
(Note that Goblin crafted items may not be suitable for small children or those with delicate sensibilities.

Does "delicate sensibilities" mean flammable clothing?

That and facial hair.

*Looks up at the questioner. Gasps.*

Not to say that you... *points to his own beard* Personal experience!

Happy Winter Veil!

*Races off.*
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90 Human Rogue
"What the daft knife eared thief said. We got all sorts of stuff, we do. Things to wear, things to read. Stuff you want and stuff you never thought you'd need. There's the dull and the shiny; items large and some quite tiny. From Ironforge to Outland, we've looted it all with absolutely no regard to size, big or small. We are finishing wrapping and deploying soon, just be ever aware that some gifts may go BOOM!"

<Cayo balls up the parchment and launches it into the nearest bin, utterly disgusted with himself that he actually read that tripe aloud.>
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