RP on this server

90 Troll Hunter
So, in looking into information on RPing in WoW, this server's name seemed to come up quite a bit.

While my home server is Steamwheedle Cartel (an RP server in which RP has become basically non-existent), I've been looking for greener pastures to start an alt on so I can have some fun RPing in while I'm leveling and not raiding on my main.

Mostly, I'm more curious on how active RP is Horde side, because I know more about the Horde, and I get terribly lost in Alliance cities...

So do tell, how is the RP economy, as it were, on here?
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90 Blood Elf Priest
It has its ups and downs.

It was pretty active when Darkmoon faire came around but died down afterward. Public RP is scarce unless there is a big event or holiday going on. There are quite a few RP guilds and I think they have their own little things going on for guildies but as I said, open RP is lacking.

I hear blueside is far more active than redside if you don't care about sticking to a single faction.
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85 Human Warrior

If you wish to test the red side or blue side, it's recommended to roll a character and ask around or try to test it's waters.

But like our elven friend said up there, it has it's up and downs. Events are however, remarkable. I don't think I've seen so many Horde gathered together for a Winter Veil party since Wrath came out.

There're many individuals willing to give you a helping hand, but open RP are lacking at both sides. If you prefer quality assurance, we're it. Quantity was never in our repertoire.

Heck, even a Blizz community MVP is an RP'er in our server. You've got nothing to lose if you're willing to give it a try. Just a warning though, it's the holidays and we're abit slow.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
My best suggestion would be to roll an alt on both sides and testing the waters yourself. You'll get a better feeling for the community if you experience it first hand :3

Welcome to the server!
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Welcome to the server!

Random/walk-up RP is hitting a dry period currently, but as Gottfried said, the events are spectacular. We work very hard on them, and they always turn out fabulously. The most recent events these days have been faction-neutral, meaning both Horde and Alliance have been present in some form or another.

Like others have said, roll a character and ask around. There are plenty of people on both sides that will point you in the right direction.
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