Gottfried says...(A pun of "Confucious says")

85 Human Warrior
Opinions are like Ice-Cream flavors.

The Gottfried loves Strawberry, Gottfried loves Strawberry above all flavors and if Gottfried sees Strawberry first, Gottfried grabs it.

But Gottfried hates Key Lime, dislike Key Lime. Gottfried no like Key Lime even if you give Gottfried a million dollars, Gottfried will not eat Key Lime.

Gottfried no understand why people WILL disagree, hate, and hound Gottfried just because Gottfried hates Key Lime.

Gottfried thinks people are silly.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Nem thinks Gottfried's mother smelled of elderberries.
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85 Human Warrior
01/01/2012 10:48 PMPosted by Nemaiin
Nem thinks Gottfried's mother smelled of elderberries.

Gottfried thinks Blood Elves smell like flowers, even the males.
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85 Worgen Death Knight
Leuts thinks Blood Elf girls need to eat more so they get real curves and be womanly.

Leuts thinks Blood Elf males are sexy despite all argument of them being girly.(Love those bishonen guys :3)

Leuts thinks Gottfried has too much free time.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Aqua thinks Gottfried best be ready for a fight. Aqua loves strawberries and will fight Gottfriend for them!

Aqua thinks blood elf males are pretty and fun to play, as well as female ones, Aqua thinks they need better dances for the females.
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85 Human Warrior
In all seriousness by the by, one can't force his/her own opinion to someone else when said target person has a difference in opinion.

People have their own flavors, something our server seems to lack sometime in the past and of the current times.

Maybe we may not have enough world encounter RP, or RP is a tad scarce. Hence there are events bringing all these ice cream flavors together.

I don't get why is it that trade trolls insists there's no flavors in here at all.
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100 Tauren Shaman
In all seriousness by the by, one can't force his/her own opinion to someone else when said target person has a difference in opinion.

People have their own flavors, something our server seems to lack sometime in the past and of the current times.

Maybe we may not have enough world encounter RP, or RP is a tad scarce. Hence there are events bringing all these ice cream flavors together.

I don't get why is it that trade trolls insists there's no flavors in here at all.

First mistake expecting a chat troll of any kind to think rationally. As long as I have been around IRC chat rooms I have yet to see one that could think beyond their desire to harass/grief others.

Now to the rest of the post, Open World RP is lacking for sure. The only way to resolve this is to work at it. Stay IC even when questing. Make sure you are using one of the addons that states IC or OOC. What I'm seeing is a lot of thought out story lines or more to the point, story lines where as those involved have a definitive goal in mind.

Open world RP should look more like two travelers meeting on the road and discussing what each had seen from their different directions. A band of Gnolls as one is traveling from Lake Ridge to Goldshire. The Dark Irons causing issues in the Searing Gorge.

Too many players look at RP as something that needs to be thought out to the last detail. It is made more difficult with Horde and Alliance unable to speak since that would open up an entirely new perspective.

Trade trolls? Blah I ignore them as they aren't worth my time. See someone asking about RP in trade. Whisper to them while the trolls are showing the IQ. Give them the OOC channels and let others talk to them as well. I know there are RPers on both sides that would be willing to help.
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85 Worgen Death Knight
Gottfriend derailed his own thread...and it was shaping up to be a fun one...
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90 Human Paladin
Biggestbear walks into Thread

Biggestbear walks out of Thread
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Kaylis says "When you need Justice points, PVP. Dungeons are too much work."

Kaylis says "If you cannot find something in the city, wander around until you do. Using guards for directions is cheating."

Kaylis says "Horde women are beautiful too! On the inside. Except for the Forsaken. Their insides are on the outside so they don't count."

Kaylis says "Be thankful for what you have. Especially if it's the best available gear and mounts."
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85 Human Warrior
01/03/2012 02:04 PMPosted by Leuts
Gottfriend derailed his own thread...and it was shaping up to be a fun one...

You want fun?

Oh, so you want fun?

Gottfried says thou shall do the dance.
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