Tortured Fate is Recruiting

90 Blood Elf Priest
Hello there. The ten-man raiding guild "Tortured Fate" is actively recruiting reliable alternate raiders and casual players. We are currently a rather small and close-knit guild that takes its raiding seriously, but has a lot of fun at the same time. Our current progression is 8/8 normal Dragon Soul and 1/8 H Dragon Soul. We raid on Wednesday and Sunday evenings from 7pm to 10pm server time.

What we're looking for:

Knowledgeable and flexible alternate raiders. Specifically, tanks and DPS (melee or ranged). Players with two specs and willingness to play two different roles would be very helpful.

Future alternate raiders would be getting to raid fairly often considering that things do come up where a regular member of the team cannot attend. We also regularly do older raids, achievement runs, a weekly LFR as a group night, hold contests and many other activities on non-raid nights. If you want more information about the guild as a whole or would like to apply online, please visit our website at You can also speak with any member of Tortured Fate while in-game to find out more information. Thank you!
90 Blood Elf Priest
I am posting to update our recruitment needs. The above info is still current, but we are also looking to recruit a ranged DPS for a permanent spot on our ten man progression team. We would prefer a warlock, mage, boomkin, or elemental shaman (basically anything but priests and hunters). If at all interested, please reply to this thread or contact me in game. Thank you for your time.
90 Blood Elf Mage
Bumpage cause Khan = Awesome
100 Orc Warrior
03/01/2012 02:29 PMPosted by Katyja
Bumpage cause Khan = Awesome

Kahnsome, it can serve as a superlative for handsome or awesome.

Like "How Kahnsome is it that I can stand behind the Kahnsome Kahn and put out Kahnsome deeps while he Kahnsomely tanks the boss so it doesn't eat my face?"
100 Orc Warrior
Just an update: Still looking for a ranged dps (mage preferred, but any will do) to join our ranks. We're currently 3/8 Herioic DS. Don't be intimidated by gear check fights, we'll work on bringing you up to par, as we're not demanding that applicants be 100% ready for heroic modes (that we don't have on farm). Skill and eagerness to learn and improve oneself > gear and experience.

Raid times Wed & Sun, 7p -10p server time.

Contact: Mametsuki, Ranzer, Pahuleo, Amura, or myself. However, feel free to inquire information from any of our members.
Additional information and applications also available at:
100 Orc Warrior
Still looking for some regular standby raiders, mages encouraged. Chances of actually coming are pretty often.

Oh, we're 5/8 H.

Edit: 4/20/2012. As of Wednesday, we're 6/8H. Alternates/subs of all roles still encouraged to check us out, especially those available Sundays. See original post in this thread for more information.
Edited by Káhn on 4/20/2012 12:19 PM PDT
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