We came to play!

6 Troll Warrior
Raniziri and I were looking forward to coming and doing some RP in Orgrimmar, but no one was home!

We'll be coming by to visit again soon, maybe during a peak hour!

We had fun RP'ing together before we realized that no one was online! It will be much more fun to include others into our RP!

We hope to see you mons soon!! We'll be re-appearing in the Valley of Honor!
Edited by Mekezza on 1/26/2012 4:49 AM PST
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1 Troll Hunter
Next time, I'll bring cake! maybe pie but it will be beef no sissy desert pies!
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85 Human Warrior
Zzzz, new visitors came to play with us when I tend to fall asleep.

I'll be sure to login to my horde from time to time to join the play house.
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91 Troll Warlock
How ya doin' mon's? I must'a just been bad timing on my part to commune with other worldly forces. I be sure to keep all three eyes out for ya' two *Cackles as he summons his Demonic Eye*

((In all seriousness, I have recently undergone surgery so I have been off and on WoW to get much needed rest. Nothing major I promise folks! You two may want to join Hordeooc, it is the local Horde RP community channel. It has been fairly busy the last few times I have seen it. Anyways, best wishes and hope to RP with you two soon! For now, I go to rest the body. Oi these staples!))
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Hey, Zul feel better soon man.

I am almost on my horde toons exclusively here late. Look me up, unless kids are taking my attention I usually can find time to RP.
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6 Troll Warrior
We'll be sure to join that chat channel then!
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