Thank you. We'll have to schedule the meeting well in advance to foster maximum participation. To keep things flowing smoothly, I can write out an overview or summary to help guide us through the meeting, but I'll need some individuals to let me know if there's something important they want to discuss so I can include it.
We actually had a community Brother ask about making a sort of agenda
"First question is what is the objective of the meeting? i.e. Growing the RP community both Alliance and Horde Side? Great idea and very worthy objective, however that is a very broad topic that can be narrowed down I'm sure."
Now I thought it would be a possible idea to help make a Agenda by doing a vote on what needs to be talked about before the meeting, but that may take a long time to get everything gathered for something that happens very rarely.
Maybe do a quick vote at the meeting?
-Go through the party/raid and see what each person considers to be their #1 issue in the community. Be it "Not enough Random RP" or "Not enough RP events" or "Helping new people feel welcomed" or etc etc..
-Make the vastest shared issues the key ones to focus on (Cover the others later on at maybe another meeting or maybe on the forums or if its not too late during the meeting?)
We may not cover all the issues, but we can work better if we just focus on a few at a time. Because if we try to focus on -ALL- of them, we will lose more energy trying to figure out what to cover next than we would have to put into solving even one issue. Now people may think...
"Wouldn't that mean that my issue could be considered a smaller one? If so then I may as well not speak or attend" - We would run this risk but the thing is that while every issue is important, its more important to cover what is considered a larger community issue, over what is considered a smaller issue. I mean if you got a cramp in your toe and a broken bone in your body, are you going to focus more on the cramp or the broken bone? - For the full session on the SoE RP Community website over the community meeting.
We've got to do something, SoE. We're not through just yet, are we?!
I just had to say something to this. When the RP Community starts to grow even more than its starting to. I will be there alongside those that worked hard and busted their tails to get the community up off the ground. While I stand with them, I will look at all the doubters with a big smirk, my hands behind my back, and with a lifted chin.