RP Community meeting.

So, its been a bit since we had a RP Community meeting and I think it is a good time to get another one going.

Do we got anyone interested in playing host? (As most know, I am in the recovery process of a recent surgery. So I am kind of in and out right now. Nothing major folks!)

Last RP Community meeting was held Horde side, so I think it would be a good idea to host it Alliance side this go around.

Any thoughts Brothers and Sisters of the SoE RP Community?
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I'm down!
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90 Human Mage
Tamz, Tali, not trying to necro this idea, but I think the silence should speak volumes.

There have been a lot of good, strong, quality RPers leave this server. There have been RPers to check out this server, then leave, clearing all of their post with an explanation why they weren't going to stay here.

When I have to sit down with my boyfriend and explain that the RPers are ignoring him, avoiding him, and telling him to go away, because they think he's a troll, even though he's sitting there watching... There's a problem. I won't name names. He was beyond polite, and I've seen similar situations happen to PvEer friends of mine in the past.

I can't fully explain how refreshing it is to go to an RPPvP server with him, and have the RP community and the PvP community and the PvE community overlap, where there is minimal stigma about the title above your head, or if you're there watching or participating.

RPers are actors. All actors love an audience.

I'm not playing on an RP server that shuns my loved ones because they're not in the IN crowd. He is an absolute sweetheart, and far, far gentler than me. We're going elsewhere, and not Wyrmrest Accord or Moon Guard.
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85 Human Warrior
Sadly, Aevi speaks the truth. Can't hide this fact no longer.

The SoE I love has slowly turned into a "priviledged gentleman's" club. Truth, right here.

This is why we don't have enough RP'ers in the first place.
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I understand both Aevi and Gottfried's skepticism. However, I feel that's the reason an RP meeting might prove beneficial. I won't deny that RP on this server is dwindling at an exponential rate, and is littered with other discrepancies, but it's not beyond repair.

I am more than willing to organize and lead this event if we can muster any interest! It won't require much from anyone, just attendance and perhaps some input. We've got to do something, SoE. We're not through just yet, are we?!

Also, feel free to contact me in-game via whisper or mail.
Yours truly,
Gnaea Grimstone
Edited by Gnaea on 2/17/2012 5:05 PM PST
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32 Human Priest
Oh lawd, what did I walk into?
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90 Undead Mage
02/17/2012 07:06 PMPosted by Dretsherma
Oh lawd, what did I walk into?

Another attempt done in the same way to try to promote RP and a sense of community on the server.

There was a time when I agreed with Tamz and Tali and thought that RP community meanings could be a good idea. However, after witnessing and experiencing myself the same things that Aeviercy's boyfriend has, I've got to say I agree with her and Gott. Community meetings won't solve anything anymore unless they're solely used for the purpose of planning events. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of the "privileged gentlemen" patting themselves on the back.

In my opinion, we should be more open and accepting to all roleplayers. This will solve problems and foster friendships, thus creating a community. If someone plays an evil or rude character, an oddball, a flirt, or even just plays badly, accept them. Play together. Write a damn story together. Help them improve. Don't let your past misconceptions, dealings, or thoughts(IC or OOC) get in the way of writing a story. Whatever you thought doesn't matter.

Just the story. The story is the only thing.
Edited by Jay on 2/22/2012 11:05 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Gnea we'll support you organizing it. I am not on Alli as much but would be nice to float some creative juices around and get folks together. The last one on Horde hosted by OoA I hard was rather productive they just need to be done more frequently and may need a format to keep things moving more smoothly.

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81 Human Priest
Relative newcomer here, but I'd be interested in attending and helping any way I can if the timing jives with my off-server schedule.
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02/17/2012 11:42 PMPosted by Tahirah
Gnea we'll support you organizing it. I am not on Alli as much but would be nice to float some creative juices around and get folks together. The last one on Horde hosted by OoA I hard was rather productive they just need to be done more frequently and may need a format to keep things moving more smoothly.

Thank you. We'll have to schedule the meeting well in advance to foster maximum participation. To keep things flowing smoothly, I can write out an overview or summary to help guide us through the meeting, but I'll need some individuals to let me know if there's something important they want to discuss so I can include it.

02/18/2012 06:31 AMPosted by Mirian
Relative newcomer here, but I'd be interested in attending and helping any way I can if the timing jives with my off-server schedule.

Feel free to keep in contact with me via in-game whisper or mail!
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Thank you. We'll have to schedule the meeting well in advance to foster maximum participation. To keep things flowing smoothly, I can write out an overview or summary to help guide us through the meeting, but I'll need some individuals to let me know if there's something important they want to discuss so I can include it.

We actually had a community Brother ask about making a sort of agenda

"First question is what is the objective of the meeting? i.e. Growing the RP community both Alliance and Horde Side? Great idea and very worthy objective, however that is a very broad topic that can be narrowed down I'm sure."

Now I thought it would be a possible idea to help make a Agenda by doing a vote on what needs to be talked about before the meeting, but that may take a long time to get everything gathered for something that happens very rarely.

Maybe do a quick vote at the meeting?
-Go through the party/raid and see what each person considers to be their #1 issue in the community. Be it "Not enough Random RP" or "Not enough RP events" or "Helping new people feel welcomed" or etc etc..
-Make the vastest shared issues the key ones to focus on (Cover the others later on at maybe another meeting or maybe on the forums or if its not too late during the meeting?)

We may not cover all the issues, but we can work better if we just focus on a few at a time. Because if we try to focus on -ALL- of them, we will lose more energy trying to figure out what to cover next than we would have to put into solving even one issue. Now people may think...

"Wouldn't that mean that my issue could be considered a smaller one? If so then I may as well not speak or attend"

- We would run this risk but the thing is that while every issue is important, its more important to cover what is considered a larger community issue, over what is considered a smaller issue. I mean if you got a cramp in your toe and a broken bone in your body, are you going to focus more on the cramp or the broken bone?

http://www.sistersofelune.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=412 - For the full session on the SoE RP Community website over the community meeting.

We've got to do something, SoE. We're not through just yet, are we?!

I just had to say something to this. When the RP Community starts to grow even more than its starting to. I will be there alongside those that worked hard and busted their tails to get the community up off the ground. While I stand with them, I will look at all the doubters with a big smirk, my hands behind my back, and with a lifted chin.
Edited by Tãmz on 2/18/2012 4:55 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
For those here who want to put in the effort to do something positive and help the community grow and flourish again great. There are still folks out there trying to work on large plotlines to generate RP and allow folks to participate how much or how little they want, but they have that choice and its out there.

New events hosted by players are in the works as well not to mention the sistersofelune.net site is growing. Some of us have worked on collective storylines there as well and the collaboratives have worked beautifully.

The idea behind the meeting is to help make things better and make the RP grow and have folks work together. There will be no finerpointing, blaming or proverbial witch hunts.

RP is like working with actors they all have their own motivations and styles some can work better with some folks as opposed to others the idea is to attempt to make it work. Our community is too small for some of the BS anymore. Gnea, Tamz and everyone els eputting their best foot forward I applaud you in spite of the negativity you are putting your best foot forward and doing things to better RP.
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First sorry I'm late responding here, I tend to spend more time in game on the weekends so first time I have been to the boards.

Now the post Tamz mentioned above came from me and after the discussion in the Ally OOC Saturday I got the feeling that something really does need to be done with the state of the RP Community.

On that part let me state a few things.

First is the "Elitist" statements going around, they really do need to stop. This will kill the community faster the anyone that is actually an elitist type player.

Second, check all attitudes at the door. This goes back the the first statement.

Third, World RP is great it is an awesome idea, however it has to start somewhere. Simply put we have to have something to build on in order to get to that point.

Finally, a consensus has to be reached on certain aspects of RP first being keeping the OOC drama down to a bare minimum and making the IC part fun for everyone.

I can go on about this stuff but honestly with the current state it would be a waste of time.

Now if you want to get the RP scene going on the server, come talk to me, lets discuss the issues and see what ideas can be brought out. I am going to stress this one point, Nothing happens unless someone works to make it happen. We can discuss this till we are blue in the face, but unless we actually do something we continue in the never ending circle.

We can do something to build the scene or we can continue to discuss (argue) and let it continue on its course. As I said in the Saturday night discussion I am a computer geek I deal in true or false and 1's and 0's so there is no C.

If you want to let me know find me on server. Quite a few of the Horde people typically know where they can find me if I'm not on Jorim bugging the Rangers.

*edited because I went brain dead for a second*
Edited by Jorim on 2/20/2012 11:15 AM PST
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Now I thought it would be a possible idea to help make a Agenda by doing a vote on what needs to be talked about before the meeting, but that may take a long time to get everything gathered for something that happens very rarely.

I think a vote is a great idea. The reason I would stray away from the idea of voting at the meeting is it wouldn't allow anyone to make preparations for what they wanted to talk about. We'd all meet with the intent to share ideas and work towards solutions, but we wouldn't know exactly what we were talking about until we got there. I truly believe if we had an agenda in place prior to the meeting it would give the attendees time to collect their thoughts and bring more valuable points to the table.

Additionally, we'll have to exercise every option to keep this meeting flowing as smoothly as possible. People will lose interest, or mitigating factors will keep them from staying at the meeting too long, so it's vital that we make this process as efficient as possible.

Would anyone be opposed to creating a thread on the forums to vote for what they want to talk about? It's the only way to ensure that, regardless of the time of day, an individual would be able to cast his/her vote at their leisure.
Edited by Gnaea on 2/20/2012 2:05 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Haven’t we already done the rp meeting thing before? I mean once, or twice I remember declining meeting invites, and after doing so, and hearing of all I missed it doesn’t seem like rp has hand any increase. Sure I’ve seen a few new faces, and I’ve seen those same faces leave. I’ve recently had another friend move to WrA, and he was one I thought would be on SoE as long as myself. That being said I’d like to know why another pointless meeting is needed.

If you want to promote rp why not just do it? I’ve been rping (when on) with a lot of new faces, and even giving pointers to anyone with an rp addon, but were not up to the standard of rping that most of us are used to. A meeting or gathering is not going to do a thing to help this server. This has already been proven with the last few meeting a few old faces gather, and rp happens for a few hours, or gets talked about for a while, and maybe a few days after that rp is ‘’ back on the death bed ‘’, and not dead.

I’m sure all of you have tested the waters on other servers by now, and even I despite being loyal to the server have done this. Recently I was invited to an rp event by some old friends, and the five of us played out the Worgan invasion. To put it blunt it was one of the best things I’d witnessed in a while. This is happening on other servers, and between other friends, so the question is why isn’t it happening here?

I actually don’t have to waste your time, or my own in explaining that, because it’s already a known fact. ‘’ WE ARE NO LONGER A FRIENDLY SERVER ‘’ I really don’t want anyone to respond with ‘’ speak for yourself ‘’, because it’s meaning as a whole. I myself am probably one of the biggest jerks here. However most new role players don’t know that, but it’s a fact. I’ve given in to the few newer role players even if their styles are what I was taught to be ‘wrong’ . I’ve witnessed trollings, and watched people grief role players. How are newer role players to handle that? We are not welcoming them, and showing them the ropes.

I can’t count on a finger how many of you older people showed me the ropes or had a big enough set to just call me wrong, and tell me I was at the time bad. I can’t remember how many encouraged me to keep on role playing, and stick with it. It’s about a community encouraging each other. With my two cents out there; for what it’s worth this isn’t a god idea. You shouldn’t try to talk about a meeting on the fourms. How many role players whom are new actually see this? What more is it besides an effort to make people see you are trying?

(( Even if I think it a lesser approach, and not the best idea for the server I would still come if only to see what REAL ideas others can come up with besides a meeting, because I’m sick of hearing about them as being more, or less popularity contests. I firmly think the only thing that can help the server now is the community if even that is plausible. I know quite a few of the newer role players first come to Silvermoon, and perhaps that’s why I don’t think the server is as dead as everyone else, because I come in contact with these newly role players.

If I am to come to the meeting my hope is that it’s not just a bunch of Soe ‘Vets;’ talking about what they have done, and can do to help the server, but what they will do. Actually do it, and save rp on the server. Talking is all I’ve seen the lot of you do, and not to be disrespectful about it, but these false promises are making you look stupid. Honestly it’s like the Blizzcon alliance theme in like 09, or 10 Blizzcon ‘’ We’ll keep trying ‘’ without the actual trying.

This is not directed at any one person, and I’m sure most feel the same way~ actually I know a lot who left off these words exactly, so don’t bother trying to tell me I’m 100% wrong. This is not a trolling attempt, but a post of someone who does not entirely understand the importance, or the need for a meeting.)
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I believe I speak for everyone when I say that your grievances are not going unheard. There are a lot of individuals who feel the same way you do, and honestly, I empathize.


What I see in you is an individual who has given up because he/she believes the community is beyond repair. Well, you know what? You may be right, but you may not be. All I can say to individuals like yourself is that if you don't want to put forth the effort to help the community, that's okay. I understand, but quietly move out of the way and avoid hindering those who are willing.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
02/20/2012 07:16 PMPosted by Gnaea
What I see in you is an individual who has given up

Not to say you're wrong, but well~ no thats exactly what I'm going to say. I actually rp with a good many new folk, and welcome them to the community. I tell others that this server is active, because for me it is. I can rp everyday that I log on here, and wit a different person. I'm in no way limited. I don't think the community is as dead as that exxagerated post I'm just sick of seeing posts about meetings. We don't need to talk about rp we need to RP. The time for talk is done. We've been talking for a year now..
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Well, if you happen to change your mind, feel free to join us.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
The invite was not for me I assure you.
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