RP Community meeting.

100 Blood Elf Priest
The idea of an RP community meeting is to get ther RP back and moving again. It will be open to ALL RPers and the idea so far is to take the top topics create an agenda and work with them.

To better the community we all need to work for the greater of it and stay on track.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
The idea of an RP community meeting is to get ther RP back and moving again. It will be open to ALL RPers and the idea so far is to take the top topics create an agenda and work with them.

To better the community we all need to work for the greater of it and stay on track.

Ummmm... yeah didn't you attend the last 2-3 we had? Clearly the meeting thing isn't working. We've actually lost a lot of role players who were huge in the community. I didn't think anything of that one post on this thread, but looking around we lost a bunch of the OOA crowd, and many more.

A meeting would be find if we had a community, but honestly the community aspect is just about dead, and when I say dead I try to imply that as lightly as I can. On a more vital note how about trying to give rp a B-rez before you try to gather a 'small' community up. There is hardly a reason for ten/twenty people to gather in meeting if the result will be the same as it has in the past.

The meeting however was a freash idea ( sevral monthes ago ) if you can get that idea rolling as the community did than I'm sure you can just as easily get another ball running? It's not working ( the meeting ), though if this one was to prove different I would certainly wear a blush of embarrssment.

I actually wish something as simple as a meeting would work, but with you only pushing it on the fourms thats not going to cut it ( I've not seen a single person try to promote it in trade/general) how many as said new role players get on these forums? I've been here for years, and even I've stopped getting on the forums.

This was however a nice attempt I just think a creative~ well not closed minded I guess person like yourself should try to come up with a new idea, because it's not working. As much as I would like to be proved wrong I just don't see it. Feel free to keep up the Rp, though. I'll be here until the server go down rping as I have since I came.

I apologize if this seemed more like a troll than me statng my opinion, and lack of understanding. I assure you that it was not my intetnion. I was however very distraught I guess that ANOTHER meeting was going to be arraged after the others=caused more herpyderpy than good.
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Okay I am carrying on to conversations about the same topic here so bare with me just a bit.

First a suggestion has been made that we break this down a little bit and make it smaller. The suggestion was also to make it faction based. To me this is the better idea as we have player that switch between factions myself being one of them. With that said I would like to go a step further and break it down to a few people at first.

Hear me out on this before you start trying to dent my helm.

First anyone that was in the OOC chat Saturday night knows there is a bit of an issue surrounding views of other players. In that instance I would like to get said players together and attempt to put that to rest. As stated previously this will kill the RP community quicker then any thing else and needs to be stopped.

Second as I have some what decided to put my head in to the lions mouth so to speak, I would like to get a few ideas on what the scene was like before the mass exodus.

Finally I want to get a feel on what it will really take to get scene going again. In this I'm not talking about World RP, Faction RP or even Guild RP. I am talking all RP.

Rarian, Please catch me on server at some point I really would like to discuss this with you in a more efficient manner. I'll probably be under Rakni and/or Alardron when on the horde side.

Gottfried, I would also like to have the same conversation with you at some point. As with your location I know meeting up can be difficult but I think we can work this out.

The simple point to everything is to get the scene and community going again. I have stated this many times before, I am willing to put some work into this as long as others will do the same.

One last thing for the sake of the player behind the dwarf... please don't tick off the dwarf, it takes forever to calm him down. =) "yes the player is a smart*** "
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Okay I am carrying on to conversations about the same topic here so bare with me just a bit.

First a suggestion has been made that we break this down a little bit and make it smaller. The suggestion was also to make it faction based. To me this is the better idea as we have player that switch between factions myself being one of them. With that said I would like to go a step further and break it down to a few people at first.

Hear me out on this before you start trying to dent my helm.

First anyone that was in the OOC chat Saturday night knows there is a bit of an issue surrounding views of other players. In that instance I would like to get said players together and attempt to put that to rest. As stated previously this will kill the RP community quicker then any thing else and needs to be stopped.

Second as I have some what decided to put my head in to the lions mouth so to speak, I would like to get a few ideas on what the scene was like before the mass exodus.

Finally I want to get a feel on what it will really take to get scene going again. In this I'm not talking about World RP, Faction RP or even Guild RP. I am talking all RP.

Rarian, Please catch me on server at some point I really would like to discuss this with you in a more efficient manner. I'll probably be under Rakni and/or Alardron when on the horde side.

Gottfried, I would also like to have the same conversation with you at some point. As with your location I know meeting up can be difficult but I think we can work this out.

The simple point to everything is to get the scene and community going again. I have stated this many times before, I am willing to put some work into this as long as others will do the same.

One last thing for the sake of the player behind the dwarf... please don't tick off the dwarf, it takes forever to calm him down. =) "yes the player is a smart*** "

I (Role Player) will have to admit to you, sir that you have without a doubt given me a second to halt my view on the server, though might I point you in the direction on this statment made by you

02/21/2012 01:22 PMPosted by Jorim
First anyone that was in the OOC chat Saturday night knows there is a bit of an issue surrounding views of other players. In that instance I would like to get said players together and attempt to put that to rest. As stated previously this will kill the RP community quicker then any thing else and needs to be stopped.

There are questions in others views, and there are people who jsut dislike eachother. So the fix to this is to have us talk our feelings out? No if it's been a year long thing of dislike, orl onger I hardly think something as simple as rp on the server is going to help these people hold hands. I'm one of them if asked to rp with certain peopleas noobish as it sounds will not due so for ooc reasons.

I know quite a few who would/have sooner leave the server than talk to said people, or put as much effort as they have into the server, and watch it cruble again, and again....and again.... and again.... What were we talking abnout..? Not to make dents in that finely crafted helm, but my reasoning is solid, eh?
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Ummmm... yeah didn't you attend the last 2-3 we had? Clearly the meeting thing isn't working. We've actually lost a lot of role players who were huge in the community. I didn't think anything of that one post on this thread, but looking around we lost a bunch of the OOA crowd, and many more.

A meeting would be find if we had a community, but honestly the community aspect is just about dead, and when I say dead I try to imply that as lightly as I can. On a more vital note how about trying to give rp a B-rez before you try to gather a 'small' community up. There is hardly a reason for ten/twenty people to gather in meeting if the result will be the same as it has in the past.

I just have to ask, why are you so adamant about preventing a meeting? We understand that this is something that you don't think is going to work, but why are you trying so hard to hinder others who want to give this another shot?
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100 Blood Elf Priest
The fiest meeting was don on alli and was more of a witchunt and finger pointing fiasco than anything truly productive.

The second I was in the middle of something and it was noted to be far more productive than the 1st. However in both isntances improvemants can be made, like an agenda. A basic structure if these meetings are to work the format has to work.

There have been some suggestions that perhaps starting with the GM's and unguilded Rpers and move outword. It will be trial and error. Nothing is ever perfect and not everyone will get along, four a couple hours it won;t kill folks.
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02/21/2012 03:19 PMPosted by Talibah
There have been some suggestions that perhaps starting with the GM's and unguilded Rpers and move outword. It will be trial and error. Nothing is ever perfect and not everyone will get along, four a couple hours it won;t kill folks.

That's an interesting idea, Tal. At the risk of sounding vain, guild leaders wield a lot of tools and power, and can be very influential. The fact that we're all ambassadors in a sense, are resourceful, and tend to have many connections is also a huge plus. If a monumental change were to take place, it's likely that it would start with the guild leaders. Additionally, if there's going to be any meetings among the leadership of our community, I'd love to be involved.

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90 Human Mage

Ummmm... yeah didn't you attend the last 2-3 we had? Clearly the meeting thing isn't working. We've actually lost a lot of role players who were huge in the community. I didn't think anything of that one post on this thread, but looking around we lost a bunch of the OOA crowd, and many more.

A meeting would be find if we had a community, but honestly the community aspect is just about dead, and when I say dead I try to imply that as lightly as I can. On a more vital note how about trying to give rp a B-rez before you try to gather a 'small' community up. There is hardly a reason for ten/twenty people to gather in meeting if the result will be the same as it has in the past.

I just have to ask, why are you so adamant about preventing a meeting? We understand that this is something that you don't think is going to work, but why are you trying so hard to hinder others who want to give this another shot?

I believe the main argument is, as follows:

1. If the first two meetings had worked, we'd not be having a third.
2. A small community invites for cliques to form, which does not serve the larger community.
3. Cliques, when formed, generally do not see themselves as a problem.
4. The time spent planning and implementing a meeting could better be spent out in the world, engaged in RP.

Rarian has points. The only reason I'm still reading these posts is that I've spent too much time on SoE to allow everyone to follow the piper, so to speak.

He's not trying to stop the meeting. He's trying to say, "Hey, this isn't the best idea. The only way to get more RP is to do more RP. Not all RP has to be structured into a tavern/storytelling/fortune reading by taking the entrails of an undead horse and charging 5g."
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02/21/2012 11:55 PMPosted by Aeviercy
He's not trying to stop the meeting. He's trying to say, "Hey, this isn't the best idea. The only way to get more RP is to do more RP. Not all RP has to be structured into a tavern/storytelling/fortune reading by taking the entrails of an undead horse and charging 5g."

This I completely understand, however:

  • When telling the members of these boards that they need to be RPing more, you're preaching to the choir. Most of the individuals posting on this thread are the ones who are actively RPing

  • A meeting will only prevent RP from these individuals for one, maybe two hours

  • Issues with past meetings have already been addressed, and as Tal mentioned, it's going to be a "guess and check" until we find a method that works well for us

  • I truly don't think the solution to all of the discrepancies we have with the RP community is as cut and dry as "RP more"

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90 Blood Elf Mage
This is Jorim don't feel like changing toons.

Reason for a meeting at this point has gone away from the need to promote RP to fixing a few issues that have been presented in this thread, and that is just the observation issues and not the ones actually stated. Little did everyone know that your post was giving me the data I needed to process part of the problem creating the fragmentation of the RP community. Of course Aeviercy gave me some very good ideas on the issues as well. Some are perceived, some may be very real, some may just be little issues that crop up from time to time. Now with this said, for this meeting I'm going to suggest that a non Guild Leader moderate so as to keep the influence to a minimum. For that matter I would also suggest that no guild officers moderate for the same reason. As I am still pretty much new to the server and the RP scene I will volunteer or someone else can, it really does not matter to me. What matters is the moderator has to be neutral and pretty much be a referee and basically make suggestions. Not to mention keeping people from taking each others head off.

My main goal is not to create perfect harmony with in the community as that is a basic impossibility due to human nature, but to find some common ground where as the majority can move forward and those that have issues with each other can at least talk without trying to bury their weapons in each others head. As I have said before, name calling and OOC drama are the fastest killers of any community and we as a community need to get a handle on this.

From what I have read and the choice of wording and structure of all the post on the thread I can pretty much say we are all adults. We are all mid college years or older, we should be able to come together and discuss this stuff without a lot of drama. Some is expected even for adults my age (don't ask), but we should be able to move on and get something done. I have seen a lot of mention of WrA over the past couple of months. This is not WrA this is Sisters of Elune, I made the server switch to get a fresh start and didn't transfer this character until after I started getting my feet planted firmly on the server. I am here for the long haul and I am going to work towards a goal. There are some good people on the server, some may be a little nuts (hush Tamz), but there are some good people. It is time to quit bickering over the little things and work on the big things.

*IC Drama Time*

*Picks up Jorims helm looking at the dents* Dumb Dwarf! =) for those that want a reference to the helm head over to sistersofelune.net =)
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90 Human Mage
Jorim--If we're going for neutrality, why don't we just drag in someone from a different server, for that matter, to moderate, who has had minimal impact with the SoE community? Can't get much less influential than that.

Gnaea--The veteran RPers are the problem and the solution. The only people who can encourage RP with those fresh RPers as well as the server transfers are the people who have been here long enough to show them the ropes. However, what's been happening is that the vets have been off doing their own thing, RPing with people they already know and are comfortable with. People are creatures of habit, you see.

The short term solution really is "RP more". The long term solution is more complex, including creating a welcoming environment for newcomers, having people set in place in case Drama arises for injured parties to talk things out (and more than one or two, in cases pertaining to them and their guildies), keeping RP events from stagnating, etc etc.

The RP more solution would feed into creating a visible RP presence that is not visible to a newcomer. Those newcomers would then be more likely to stay, if they saw the RP was there, and it wasn't [insert penguin children of Deathwing here] or [insert I abuse gnomes and say they're children here] or [insert ERP here] kinds of RP.

It's not the panacea, but it is the start to something. It's a bit like breast cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation isn't going to make you go out dancing next week
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Telarian, First your not being skeptical your stating opinions that needs to be heard and I for one really do appreciate it. But I'm not going to pick your comment apart bit by bit as some I agree with. Some I may question a little but nothing do I disagree with.

To start Veteran Role Players: Are they the Key? Partially, but it also takes the new comers as well. What we actually have is a situation that can be both fun and irritating. The obvious fun is being able to Role Play with new folks. The irritating part comes with the new player does something different from what a Veteran is use to. I will state now the later needs to be controlled. While the former really does need to be encourage. To that end I have a few ideas but I need to work though them first and deal with all the ifelse statements that come to mind.

The other thing I find funny here from everyone commenting, comes from on simple observation. Are we not doing just that right now? We are basically having a meeting to have a meeting. Kind of like my job =/

Aeviercy, I honestly don't care who moderates, I was just doing one of the things I'm good at and making a suggestion. =) I tend to get shot down a lot at work on that as well due to our Client.

For everyone,
Honestly, I am thinking about talking to quite a few people one on one over the next few days if I can catch them on server. I was joking last night with Tamz about making a pest of myself, but sometimes it is the only way to get things going the right direction.

These are the things that come to mind and from observation over the past couple of weeks.

1. There is a feeling by some that there is an elitist attitude with some groups.
There probably is the issue though is they probably (in most cases) do not know they are doing it. I could probably be considered guilty of that but in my case it is because I'm trying to get my head back into Role Playing since it has been a while.

2. There are people that are actually new to Role Playing and getting direction for it is hard. This is more observation, but I have seen some mention of this. This is really where the Veterans come in honestly. Don't just point them at the boards. Talk to them give suggestion point at specific places to learn about the lore, race, class, professions what have your.

3. Events events events... did I mention events. World RP will grow from events not guild specific events but events where all are invited. Someone mentions RP on the boards we know of an event point them to it. There new point them to it and see if they show up. Then talk to the IC when they do. Ask OOC if they need help with something.

These are just three things off the top of my head to help. I will find someone to bounce the rest off of to get the rust out. But WE all must do something or NOTHING will get done.

Yes I can be a pest, but when I have a goal in mind I tend to get that way. My wife actually hates it when I plant my feet and decide I'm going to do something. We shall see though.

Okay time to scram see everyone on server... I hope. =)
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02/22/2012 12:28 PMPosted by Telarian
It seems more like a popularity contest for some of you guild leaders, and bigger faces to stroke your ego, and say '' Look! I'm helping the server!! I'm doing it! Me! ''

I wanted to respond to this comment first, because quite honestly I almost felt insulted by it. If you truly think that any guild leader or figurehead of the community has such a selfish ulterior motive, you're just wrong. Please take a much less critical and prejudice look at some of the great lengths these individuals have gone through to aid the community, to foster a welcoming atmosphere for veterans and novices alike, to schedule open events, and the list goes on. Looking into this might be a humbling experience for you. These individuals don't put time an effort into the community to appear as a knight in shining armor, they do it because they take pride in the community that they're a part of.

02/22/2012 12:28 PMPosted by Telarian
The forums are not the way to go about gettign the word out. I'm almost sure I can ask all the newer role players that I know if they have heard about this meeting.. I'll get a no.

Again, if you think these forums are the first and last place any individual thinks to go to spread the word about a meeting, or any event for that matter, your mindset may be a bit short-sided. The forums are neither the first nor last, but rather a supplementary tool used to aid these individuals in spreading the word. The forums may be where an idea is manifested, but not where the idea stops growing. This meeting is a perfect example. This thread is only the tip of the iceberg.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
02/22/2012 04:26 PMPosted by Gnaea
It seems more like a popularity contest for some of you guild leaders, and bigger faces to stroke your ego, and say '' Look! I'm helping the server!! I'm doing it! Me! ''

I wanted to respond to this comment first, because quite honestly I almost felt insulted by it. If you truly think that any guild leader or figurehead of the community has such a selfish ulterior motive, you're just wrong. Please take a much less critical and prejudice look at some of the great lengths these individuals have gone through to aid the community, to foster a welcoming atmosphere for veterans and novices alike, to schedule open events, and the list goes on. Looking into this might be a humbling experience for you. These individuals don't put time an effort into the community to appear as a knight in shining armor, they do it because they take pride in the community that they're a part of.

The forums are not the way to go about gettign the word out. I'm almost sure I can ask all the newer role players that I know if they have heard about this meeting.. I'll get a no.

Again, if you think these forums are the first and last place any individual thinks to go to spread the word about a meeting, or any event for that matter, your mindset may be a bit short-sided. The forums are neither the first nor last, but rather a supplementary tool used to aid these individuals in spreading the word. The forums may be where an idea is manifested, but not where the idea stops growing. This meeting is a perfect example. This thread is only the tip of the iceberg.

You know what? Fine. Go with the meeting thing. Honestly I'm not going to waste key strokes on this anymore. I'll point out what needs to be pointed out. We've had two meetings, and we've lost people after them. Rp didn't pick up. ONE WEEK IS NOT A REASON TO PARTY, because I saw people for a few days, and that was it. As said I'm still hopeful for this to work, or something to come out of it that will work. I just don't think it will, and that may be my own short comings, but meh. My opinion, and I'll not say it was when the chips fall wherever they may. Best of luck.

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90 Human Mage
Gnaea, if you truly believe that all guild leaders are selfless in their desire to better the SoE community, then I have prime real estate in Oz to sell to you.

I'm going to point out that, while Telarian is being RAWR HAVEN'T YOU BEEN PAYING ATTENTION?!?! about this, that you're seeing his issues, and not meeting them. Instead, you're essentially calling him a baddy for seeing these concerns and voicing them in the first place. It would be the equivalent of going "Well, Gnaea's talked the talk, but I've never seen her walk the walk, so I don't believe this is going to help anything." Keep in mind, the equivalent.

As for the thread only being the tip of the iceberg, well... You're not going to hear about this broadcasted in /trade, for one thing. There's this paranoia about Trolls on this server that is downright ludicrous. It's going to get around to guild leaders, and a handful of unguilded RPers, or a fraction of the community. What about the couple of RPers in Apples, or the RPers in Bads, or Kingdom of Chivalry, or Zen? Is anyone honestly going to whisper Penelope and say "Hey, we're having an RP summit. We'd like to extend an invitation to the RPers in Zen to come check it out. It'll be Hordeside on _____"

I really don't think that anyone would, and not because Penelope is a Troll, but because most of the RPers I've seen outside of those in Zen believe that all of Zen is trash, when that's not true. They just mass recruit, so they pick up lots of different members. Same with KoC and Deathnail. The day I see Deathnail RP of his own volition is the day I buy everyone an Inferno Ruby of their choice.

This isn't an issue that is going to be resolved by a handful of people at a summit. Telling him, basically, "Fine, don't go," is exactly the atmosphere that is present on SoE that is stifling the community.
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85 Human Warrior
Ludicrous, all of you.

So Ludicrous to the point where I have to wear my Spartan outfit just to voice this opinion of mine.

The moment when we start RP-ing in the places such as (in lieu to greet the newcomers):

Goldshire, Dolanar, Azure Watch, Falconwing Square and other starting zones of respective races.

...would be the day when we tell off the trolls that we don't give them jack for trolling in our server.

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10 Blood Elf Priest
So are you like talking abour rp, or something like dat?
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