RP Community meeting.

100 Tauren Shaman

@Pyrandia, Yes we are discussing RP.

@Gottfried, Dude Trolls to me are a minor concern to me, I have had them mock me for walking through Stormwind, Goldshire, Org, Thunder Bluff, Blood Hoof I could care less about the trolls and they tend to figure this out quickly as I just ignore the antics.

Ok Speaking of Goldshire, Time to turn it back into a low level RP hub/ high level meeting place.

Horde Bloodhoof Village would be a good place not only for events

Fact of the matter is quit fighting each other over small details is getting old.

This is the question everyone needs to ask themselves and answer truthfully,

Do you want RP to thrive on SoE? Answer that question then lets come up with some ways to fix it.

Gottfried, The part of the problem RPing with you is the fact that we almost never seem to be on at the same time.. I think when I logged over to Jorim Saturday was the first time I saw you in channel since I learned about it. Oh and put away the corporate lawyer stuff and I'll attempt not to use logic in my discussions. (will not promise).
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100 Tauren Shaman
One more note, 3 pages of discussing to have a meeting? *rolls eyes*

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Got in contact with Gnaea yesterday, Rakni. We will be talking later today if the chance is given to us and I will post what we discussed after and see what everyone thinks about it.

Be safe, Be good, Be Taco, and keep on Roleplaying folks!
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Oh look, a shiny cameo. Or something.

I came to check up on things from my place in a galaxy far, far away and I have to say that I'm slightly disappointed. True that I haven't been around to "improve" my roleplay on here, but instead decided to remove myself from the constant frustration and find a happy place.

The bottom line is that meetings are only good for bringing new people into the community (which doesn't appear to be happening) and to sling around ideas and concepts.

They also tend to make people appear cliquish if you have the same people going to these meetings over and over.

Instead if having a meeting about increasing roleplay, how about taking a piece of Nike's advice and "Just do it"?

When I first roleplayed here back in 2007, we didn't have roleplay meetings and discussion. We just did it. We went out and roleplayed with everyone and anyone and didn't hold a bunch of rules or grudges and we didn't bicker over petty crap.

So, if you want to roleplay, just go roleplay. Quit talking about it. <3
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85 Human Warrior

Gottfried, The part of the problem RPing with you is the fact that we almost never seem to be on at the same time.. I think when I logged over to Jorim Saturday was the first time I saw you in channel since I learned about it. Oh and put away the corporate lawyer stuff and I'll attempt not to use logic in my discussions. (will not promise).

Eh, we barely know each other so perhaps you might not've heard that I'm still having college holidays. So online times are abit scarce bleu to me right now. <_<

It all changes next week though. I'm back full force.
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100 Tauren Shaman

Gottfried, The part of the problem RPing with you is the fact that we almost never seem to be on at the same time.. I think when I logged over to Jorim Saturday was the first time I saw you in channel since I learned about it. Oh and put away the corporate lawyer stuff and I'll attempt not to use logic in my discussions. (will not promise).

Eh, we barely know each other so perhaps you might not've heard that I'm still having college holidays. So online times are abit scarce bleu to me right now. <_<

It all changes next week though. I'm back full force.

Time is scarce while in college I know that all too well. Look forward to your return, or at least Jorim or Sardan will one.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Oh look, a shiny cameo. Or something.

I came to check up on things from my place in a galaxy far, far away and I have to say that I'm slightly disappointed. True that I haven't been around to "improve" my roleplay on here, but instead decided to remove myself from the constant frustration and find a happy place.

The bottom line is that meetings are only good for bringing new people into the community (which doesn't appear to be happening) and to sling around ideas and concepts.

I'm beyond that stage now. I'm to the point of refining some ideas coming to mind and bouncing them off people both guild and non guild. I grow tired of discussing quite quickly and typically jump to planning and doing stage.

They also tend to make people appear cliquish if you have the same people going to these meetings over and over.

Ah yes the Cliques, I hate Cliques in the years since I graduated high school that is one thing that still remains from my high school irritants. I've got characters in two guilds and hoping to get one in another guild soon. Part of this is for RP reasons... ok a lot of it has to do with RP, but also the desire to be part of a larger world. With that said if you have some ideas to keep the cliques from forming I will willingly listen.

Instead if having a meeting about increasing roleplay, how about taking a piece of Nike's advice and "Just do it"?

When I first roleplayed here back in 2007, we didn't have roleplay meetings and discussion. We just did it. We went out and roleplayed with everyone and anyone and didn't hold a bunch of rules or grudges and we didn't bicker over petty crap.

After talking to another player last night, and reading this, here in lies the issue. Just do it, ok where? It seems a large part of the issue maybe in the fact that the "central hub" was some what removed with the introduction to the masses of Cataclysm, and for some reason said central hub was not established again. People are scattered all over Azeroth with no quick way to a central hub. This is part of the broken part I am working on ideas to fix.

So, if you want to roleplay, just go roleplay. Quit talking about it. <3[/quote]

Working on it I promise. You brought some valid points and I for one your humble cow thank you.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
02/23/2012 10:11 AMPosted by Molly
True that I haven't been around to "improve" my roleplay on here, but instead decided to remove myself from the constant frustration and find a happy place.

Sounds familiar.
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