Prayer in the Temple in Darnassus

((Hello SoE!

I would like to announce that public prayer to Elune will be held in the Temple in Darnassus every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday (starting on 29 February) at 10 pm (ST). The ritual will be short and simple:

1. A call to prayer;
2. Prayer proper;
3. A blessing with the water from the Moonwell.

The only thing you have to do is kneel when the celebrant says: "As night falls, our Mother awakens. Kneel, children of the stars, and welcome her," and remain kneeling until the end of the ritual.

While prayer will be directed to Elune, everyone is welcome to attend if and when your schedules permit. The ritual will be conducted in Darnassian, and the sprinkling ceremony will involve a buff on those present. Therefore, it is highly encouraged that those attending have Tongues (with the ability to understand Darnassian) and Gryphonheart Items to experience the ritual to the fullest. However, with that said, neither are necessary to participate.

If any NE priestesses or priests are interested in leading the prayer on a rotating basis, please post a note here or send me a message in-game. I will send you the script for the ritual so you can make any necessary macros.

This is the first time I have posted an event like this, so if I have forgotten something, please ask away!

May Elune guide your paths,
Brother Taleis Moonshadow))
Edited by Taleis on 2/28/2012 6:03 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Makes me wish I had a Night elf priest. ^.^
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11 Night Elf Druid
Hey Taleis, I saw you flying around the nelf starting area the other day. :) You buffed me and bowed and I think I bowed in return. :D It was my first interaction with anyone on this server (I'm new here!) so it made an impression on me. So thanks. ^_^

Although I do not have those addons yet nor a backstory or even concept for this character, I will nonetheless make my best effort to attend your prayer session and hopefully meet some more people on this lovely server.
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Hey Taleis, I saw you flying around the nelf starting area the other day. :) You buffed me and bowed and I think I bowed in return. :D It was my first interaction with anyone on this server (I'm new here!) so it made an impression on me. So thanks. ^_^

Although I do not have those addons yet nor a backstory or even concept for this character, I will nonetheless make my best effort to attend your prayer session and hopefully meet some more people on this lovely server.

Oh cool! Glad I could help out with the buff!

You are most welcome to the evening prayer tonight, and if you can't make it, no worries! There are plenty of other nights we will be offering the ritual. If you do show up, put me in a group, and I will have my addon translate for you (at least, there is an option for that, though I have never tried it out before).
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02/28/2012 08:22 PMPosted by Telarian
Makes me wish I had a Night elf priest. ^.^

We are always looking for new recruits! :D
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
02/29/2012 05:28 PMPosted by Taleis
We are always looking for new recruits! :D

Maybe someday. :)
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85 Dwarf Shaman
This was brilliant fun - and well worth creating a Night Elf for. Also big thumbs up for starting this on a leap day. Kinda made it extra magical-special.

I tip my hat to you - it is nice logging in at 10:00 PM and finding some RP just waiting for me.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This makes me wish I had room on SoE for an ally toon :(
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This was brilliant fun - and well worth creating a Night Elf for. Also big thumbs up for starting this on a leap day. Kinda made it extra magical-special.

I tip my hat to you - it is nice logging in at 10:00 PM and finding some RP just waiting for me.


And a BIG thanks to you for attending!
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02/29/2012 08:57 PMPosted by Kalico
This makes me wish I had room on SoE for an ally toon :(

Oh yeah, that is one drawback to having different factions. But now I'm curious about horde faiths and practices. Coming up with something on the horde side will be a fun challenge!
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[quote="41186647796"]But now I'm curious about horde faiths and practices. Coming up with something on the horde side will be a fun challenge!

Between Earth Mother for Tauren, the Loa for our troll brethren and the shamanistic faith of the Orcs (which is not too far removed from the belief system of the Kaldorei), I am sure we can come up with something.

Sin'Dorei and Forsaken have their own belief system as well, but I am far fuzzier on those. For goblins, just jangle your bag of gold, and service begins.

Lots of races, lots to choose from.
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Hey Taleis, sounds like a really awesome night of fun mano. I will add this to the RP community website as a standing event, this way more folks know about it, and I will post on the RP Community facebook page over it.

My Night Elves Haldarus and Maldurion will soon both be in Darnassus, so I will try to pop in for a gathering :)

Event is being posted at if you wish for me to do any edit work or anything of the sort. Just let me know or inform Talibah.
Edited by Tãmz on 3/1/2012 12:19 AM PST
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Hey Taleis, sounds like a really awesome night of fun mano. I will add this to the RP community website as a standing event, this way more folks know about it, and I will post on the RP Community facebook page over it.

My Night Elves Haldarus and Maldurion will soon both be in Darnassus, so I will try to pop in for a gathering :)

Event is being posted at if you wish for me to do any edit work or anything of the sort. Just let me know or inform Talibah.

Awesome, thank you! Looking forward to meeting Haldarus and Maldurion!
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Just a reminder: Evening Blessing in the Temple of Darnassus tonight at 10 pm server. I will be using Common tonight so everyone who attends can understand.

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100 Blood Elf Priest
Is this a regular occuring event so we can add it to the calendar on the sistersof forum. I;d love to add it to the updated calendar.
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03/03/2012 10:54 AMPosted by Talibah
Is this a regular occuring event so we can add it to the calendar on the sistersof forum. I;d love to add it to the updated calendar.

It sure is - every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 10:00 pm server time.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Happy RP times in Darnassus. If you are around on a MON, WED, or SAT at 10:00 looking for something to do, stop by the Moonwell for a spell. (/rimshot)

But seriously folks, Taleis does a nice job with the ceremony.
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I am sorry, but the evening blessing for tonight, March 17, will not be held. Brother Taleis will be back on Monday, March 19, for the blessing.

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100 Blood Elf Priest
We have posted this on the Calendar for the site.
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