Here to Role Play

56 Human Priest
I usually play on WrA, but I'm looking for a new realm to play on. I heard this was a decent realm to role play, but I want to know if it's as active as WrA and MG? If not, know any other servers that may be?

And, if anyone is looking for someone to role play with, let me know!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The best advice I can give is to roll an alt and try it out for yourself :3
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Been seeing some more folks coming over from WrA, welcome! We do have an unnofficial RP cimmunity site feel free to check it out:

There are a lot of folks here to help and answer questions for you. The list of regular events in the sticky is also now current so take an gander see what tickles you fancy and we hope to see you around.
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Also to add to what Talibah said. Woudl recommend joining Rpchatter on either faction, its a RP Community channel that is universally used by the RP Community of SoE. Welcome to the family if you come to join us =)
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11 Night Elf Druid
I came here from WrA after struggling to feel welcomed there. Not bashing the server it just wasn't a good fit for me. Playing on SoE has been like night and day; I felt instantly at home, and the server atmosphere is just way more laid back. People actually have waved and said hello while out questing, which has caused me to become more outgoing. I've already participated in one roleplay event which I found to be relaxing and fun, and normally I'm the type to freak out and avoid socializing because I'm shy (and you know the more popular realms get people screenshotting MRP profiles and bashing each other, it's just terrible).

I dunno I just feel very comfortable and not judged here which I cannot say for other RP servers. The community has been tremendously welcoming to all of my low-level alts, which kind of gives WoW that "new and shiny" feeling all over again. For the first time in months I'm actually excited to log on and make friends. I had basically given up on roleplay because it was too difficult to "break into" on other realms. Everyone says, you should avoid "dying" or "dead" RP realms and only bother with the high pop ones. I would strongly disagree. There is a certain freedom to SoE and ability to breathe easy that cannot be found on the more super srs RP realms.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
The smaller communities sometimes allow for those freedoms you speak of. The bigger the realm the bigger the issues and don't get me wrong we have them here. When I first started RP I rolled a toon on MG and within 30 seconds was asked for ERP I instantly logged and deleted it. When WrA started a friend who no longer plays encouraged me to make a toon there as well...I was n it about 3 times, I found the players I met to be stand offish. Not all realms fit all people.

SoE is my home and I originnallt started plating on a PvE server with my husband. We both migrated here after a suggestion from a fellow player and have been here since, we may not be the biggest but there is a quality here I have not seen elsewhere.

Just because something is bigger or there is more of it does not mean its better. Look at the VW bug, there are still original models on the road today. Why it was a quality car, it may be small (though you can fot a porsche engine in it). But they keep on ticking!

Welcome to SoE an depending on your faction check out the events on both sides. My main on horde can be all over (this weekend I have fam coming so will be off and on). Tonight is the SOng and Tankard at 7PM server at the Blue Recluse my hunter Omorose is there (if I don;lt reposnd right away please do not think you are being ignored again in-laws are coming today)
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