List of Horde RPers

100 Blood Elf Priest
Since Grommet got Alli going, I'll start Horde.

NAME: Lady or Nepthys Talibah el'Dendera-Aramorth

AGE: Approx. 36 by human years about 143 in elven (if I got the math right)

RACE: Sindorei

WEIGHT/HEIGHT: 5'4" 110 lbs.

EYE COLOR: Emerald Green

HAIR: Ebony

DISTINGUISHING MARKS/FEATURES: A brand of her family crest of a scarab between her shoulder blades down to the middle of her back.

PERSONALITY TRAITS: She tends to be stoic, and reserved though lax in spite of her upbringing. She can be social deppending upon the circumstances.

FAMILY/RELATIONS: Clepe Aramorth (Husband), Onuris el'Dendera-Aramorth (Eldest son, adopted); Armeaus el'Dendera-Aramorth (Youngest son)

CLASS/PROFESSION: Tailor/Enchanter. ICly she acts as a diplomat by trade now.

DESCRIPTION: She tends to wear her hair down in light waves that frame her face and is surrounded by the subtle scent of jasmine. She is slender, yet can command authority when needed.

BRIEF HISTORY: Raised by a loving and doting mother and a power hungry father her marriage was arranged after her mother's passing much to her dismay. After one failed attempt to disobey, her father branded her. Months later she fled surviving on her wits, a few odd friends and trading in the Black Market.

After a while her father tried to locate her and was eventually killed by a man thought to be loyal to him and charged with returning her. Now she is on her own two feet and happy again.

(To learn more RP with her)
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
NAME: Lectril Wildwind

AGE: Young, but old enough.

RACE: Blood elf

WEIGHT/HEIGHT: Average(rangers gotta be lithe, yo)/average.




PERSONALITY TRAITS: Lectril has been described as the "strong, silent type." However, he can also be loud, witty, playful, and just generally raise a ruckus. He's a bit of a wild card.

FAMILY/RELATIONS: None known to the public.

CLASS/PROFESSION: Engineer/tinkerer and general ranger for hire.

DESCRIPTION: Lectril is an elf often found with a variety of gadgets integrated into his outfit from the standard rocket boots to EMP generators and more. He's usually wearing both his goggles and weathered Frostwolf Battle Tabard along with some grease and gunpowder stains.

BRIEF HISTORY: Lectril was trained under both the Farstriders and gnome engineers. He often serves on the front lines, joining the campaigns against both the Lich King and Deathwing. Since then, he's found himself wrapped up in plot after plot with his de facto partner in crime, Jay Brooks.
Edited by Lectril on 3/6/2012 8:40 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Mage
NAME: Alardron Miststrider

AGE: 126

RACE: Blood Elf

WEIGHT/HEIGHT: 168 / 6'2"




PERSONALITY TRAITS: Studious and blunt

FAMILY/RELATIONS: Haendrel Miststrider (thinks he is dead... for the moment)

CLASS/PROFESSION: Tailor/Archaeologist

DESCRIPTION: Head is always buried in his research. It isn't very often that he can be found with out his journal open as he looks over the notes from the latest find.

BRIEF HISTORY: Alardron was born in Fair Breeze Village, and traveled around with his Parents and brother. He lost his parents to the Scourge and he thought he had lost his brother as well. He is now chasing rumors that may prove this to be wrong. When running short on money he will stop in local villages and make new clothes for a few copper in order to eat or move to the next dig site.
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86 Blood Elf Mage
NAME: Valerias Sitaine Bellefleur

AGE: Youthfull, 90 in elven years which translates to in his early 20's to me.

RACE: Sin'dorei

WEIGHT/HEIGHT: lean, but toned, he's 5'9", rather short for his race


HAIR COLOR: Cornsilk blond


PERSONALITY TRAITS: Curious and easily fascinated by new discoveries. He's never met a stranger, and while he can be bashful at times he's never shy about talking about his work, and can often talk someone's ear off about it if he's not interrupted. Vale is kind a generous, and goes out of his way to help and befriend all he meets.

FAMILY/RELATIONS: He has an infant son named Preston Orin Bellefleur and a fiance T'ashir

CLASS/PROFESSION: Vale is a mage. His work includes portal research and engineering, the study of mana based life forms and the application of arcane magics to hand made machinery.

DESCRIPTION: Valerias is well dressed, at least he tries to be. His lean and toned physique is a result of his laborious and often dangerous work. He maintains a bright wardrobe and when cleaned up presents himself as pressed and polished.

BRIEF HISTORY: Vale use to work in Area 52. There he conducted experiments and various sorts of research in the field of mana-biology or the study of mana based animals and creatures.

Barely funded by the Kirin'tor who sent him out to one of the most dangerous locations in Outland, he often times has to rely on goblin connections to find the parts he needs for the creation of his own tools.

Recently he quit working for the Kirin'tor and has instead gone freelance, though sources say soon he'll be a teacher's assistant for a small independant mage school.

Currently though he's living with his fiance and his son in Winterspring.
Edited by Valerias on 3/7/2012 10:00 AM PST
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NAME: Rongar Bonemender

AGE: 72


WEIGHT/HEIGHT: 485 lbs/6'3" (in Orc terms, short and pudgy)



DISTINGUISHING MARKS/FEATURES: Some scars on arms and back. Coarse white beard, braided white hair.

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Very forthcoming with peers (other healers, shaman, and priests) regardless of their background. More reserved otherwise, happy to let "the young ones" take the lead.

FAMILY/RELATIONS: Deceased (His wife Orda died during the Shattering in the fires of Orgrimmar, two sons fell honorably in battle many years ago)

CLASS/PROFESSION: Shaman/Herbalist (former battlefield healer)

DESCRIPTION: Long past peek fighting form. Walks slightly hunched over. Tends to be out and about in simple, traditional shaman robes.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
• NAME: Telarian S, Silverwins

AGE: 117

RACE: Sin’dorei


EYE COLOR: A shimmering emerald green

HAIR COLOR: Reddish brown/ (Natural red head)

DISTINGUISHING MARKS/FEATURES:Telarian is quite scared below the shoulders throughout his years he’s accumulated many scars, though the only one above the shoulders is a faded one abode his right brow.

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Arrogant. He’s quite self-assured having more actual confidence in himself then most any. He’s quite taken with himself as he can often times be caught glancing at his reflection, or tending to his magnificent hair.

• Married to Clair A. Silverwind (expecting)
• Brother to Varran Silverwind
• Father to Erosonia Silverwind
• Brother-of-arms to Alaaran
CLASS/PROFESSION: Warrior/occasional miner/Blacksmith. Icly he is often times a fighter for hire, or a soldier for the Horde when called on.

DESCRIPTION: Tall and proud is this handsome Sin’Dorei male. His face reads that of someone serious, though when near his wife or family his dazzling smile can almost always be seen. Crude in nature as well as blunt you are not likely to find a more opportunistic warrior, though rogues are another story. His passive aggression often makes him seem anti-social; though under the correct circumstances can hold his own in a conversation about battle, politics, life. His recent marriage has left him in much higher spirits, and more friendly, though old habits often times die hard.

BRIEF HISTORY: Telarian was casted out as a youth; like many he lived on the streets until he was old enough to know what it was women enjoyed hearing. For most of his younger life he spent it in the arms of well off women leeching off them. It wasn’t until later in his young life his temper flared, and he discovered his unique ability to end lives. Fighting quickly became a passion.

(( This toon is clearly sticking around. ))
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85 Undead Mage
NAME: Meteorus

AGE: His rebirth as Scourge occurred when he was in his mid twenties.

RACE: Human (Forsaken)

WEIGHT/HEIGHT: 5'11" 113 lbs but stoops, so appears shorter.

EYE COLOR: Glowing necromantic pus.

HAIR: Black with unnatural looking bio-luminescent purple streaks

DISTINGUISHING MARKS/FEATURES: Meteorus looks like a macabre patchwork doll. Sc*%@@d hides, leather and flesh are sewn onto his own with small neat rows of stitches. He has begun to experiment with exotic fabrics as well. The curse of undeath eventually causes the patches of leather to become nearly indistinguishable from his own pale flesh, the patches of cloth, not so much.

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Quiet but with an almost child-like curiosity about Trolls and Tauren. Meteorus will always move to better observe those fellow members of the Horde, and will offer aid whenever he can. He has undertaken the rites of the Earth Mother in an attempt to become "The First Tauren Mage" in spirit if not in fact. Orcs appear to make him uncomfortable and Bloodelves self conscious.

FAMILY/RELATIONS: His brother Benton Threadneedle and family in Stormwind. They do not speak. Recently re-united with his best friend, the Gnome Axelpyre Cogswaddle, who talked him into joining the baggage train of the Silver Hand. The relationship is somewhat strained by obvious externalities.


DESCRIPTION: Despite his undead state, his clothing is always in good repair, even if it appears that he may have sewn himself into the sleeves, again.


Grew Up in Stormwind.

Scourge agents delivered a plague cauldron into the baggage train of a Silver Hand battalion camped outside of Darrowmere.

Re-named Meteorus, he served as a Scourge battle mage until his free will was returned.

Frequently in trouble with the Royal Apothecary Society.

Returned from repairing vestments for the Argent's campaigns in the Plaguelands and Northrend, Meteorus now works to re-build his skill as a designer.

He completed the "Rites of the Earthmother" searching for the redemption that still eludes him. That Stormwind took in her Death Knights but still denies him re-entry into society eats away at his sanity.
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