Events on Sisters of Elune

100 Blood Elf Priest
I have updated the events that are going on currently some occure every other week and will be posted on the Calendar on If an event need to be updated or posted on the calendar please let myself or Tamz know we will get it on there.


(H)Storytelling in Thunderbluff
Hosted by: Broken House
Time: 7:00PM Server (weekly)
Description: Enjoy poetry, prose, songs and stories under the stars with others near the bonfire in Thunderbluff.
Contact(s): Eleya, Cyrik/Kathas


(A)Prayer in the Temple in Darnassus
Hosted by: Order of the Moon
Time: 10:00PM Server (weekly)
Description: Prayers offered in the Temple of Elune in Darnassus. The prayers are in Darnassian and follow a set format.
-A call to prayer
- Prayer proper
-A blessing with the water from the Moonwell.
The only thing you have to do is kneel when the celebrant says: "As night falls, our Mother awakens. Kneel, children of the stars, and welcome her," and remain kneeling until the end of the ritual.
Contact(s): Taleis


(A)Fishing Excursion
Hosted by: Clockwerk
Time: 5:00PM Server (weekly)
Description: Camaraderie! Travel! Food! Meet new Beings! Meet new Fish!
Bring your Rod and Tackle along and join other enthusiasts as they share their favorite (and sometimes secret) fishing holes! Come, relax with us as we share Danger*, Excitement* and Poles tied to String with FISH on One End!
*Note locations can be TBA please contact Grommet for them if needed and invites.
Contact(s): Grommet

(A)The Scarlet Raven Tavern
Hosted by: Rangers of Alterac
Time: 7:00PM Server (every other week)
Description: Open RP in a tavern setting with varying hosts. Raise a glass, make new friends and enjoy the ambiance of Darkshire.
Contact(s): Tamz


(H)Open RP in Bloodhoof Village
Hosted by: Deadly Fate
Time: 5:00PM Server (weekly)
Description: Join the members of Deadly Fate for friends and fun in Bloodhoof Village. Meet new people and make new friends in this warm and cozy environment.
Contact(s): Tylelendor and Nafasi

(H)The Legionnaire’s Lounge
Hosted by: Hand of the Sun
Time: 7:00PM Server (Every other week)
Description: Join Zul’kir and his friends for drinks, a possible bone reading and camaraderie. You may even hear a tale or two in the Legerdemain Lounge in Dalaran.
Contact(s): Zulkir and Talibah

(A)Prayer in the Temple in Darnassus
Hosted by: Order of the Moon
Time: 10:00PM Server (weekly)
Description: Prayers offered in the Temple of Elune in Darnassus. The prayers are in Darnassian and follow a set format.
-A call to prayer
- Prayer proper
-A blessing with the water from the Moonwell.
The only thing you have to do is kneel when the celebrant says: "As night falls, our Mother awakens. Kneel, children of the stars, and welcome her," and remain kneeling until the end of the ritual.
Contact(s): Taleis


(A)Storytelling on the Green
Hosted by: Underground Covenant
Time: 7:30PM Server (Every other week)
Description: Viloche the Mastermind himself invites you to partake in song, poems and tales beneath the stars on the green (near the training dummies) in Darnassus.
Contact(s): Viloche


(A)The Song and Tankard Tavern
Hosted by: Underground Covenant and Rangers of Alterac
Time: 7:00PM Server (Every other week)
Description: Join Omorose and Khaddain for a song and a tale as well as drinks, friends and fun at the Blue Recluse in Stormwind.
Contact(s): Tamz, Omorose and Viloche

(A)Prayer in the Temple in Darnassus
Hosted by: Order of the Moon
Time: 10:00PM Server (weekly)
Description: Prayers offered in the Temple of Elune in Darnassus. The prayers are in Darnassian and follow a set format.
-A call to prayer
-Prayer proper
-A blessing with the water from the Moonwell.
The only thing you have to do is kneel when the celebrant says: "As night falls, our Mother awakens. Kneel, children of the stars, and welcome her," and remain kneeling until the end of the ritual.
Contact(s): Taleis

None as of yet will add when one is made available on either faction.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Thanks for the list! I'll go ahead and update the sticky.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
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85 Night Elf Druid
Wow, that's a lot going on! Thanks for doing the leg work (tracking folks down etc) putting that together for everyone. There are some on there that were new to me as some folks/guilds drop off the radar and others emerge.

It will be good to have the outdated events disposed and the active ones listed. One stop shopping for folks who want to drop by and meet new folks.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 08:13 PMPosted by Jaylik
It will be good to have the outdated events disposed and the active ones listed. One stop shopping for folks who want to drop by and meet new folks.

Does that mean folks are closing the other website where some (not all) RP info is housed (and obscured from those who aren't privy to it) and they'll actually be using the Blizzard boards to communicate server things? That would be "one-stop shopping" for RP, yes? :)

If not, then it's just narrowing things down to two places, one of which is kind of hidden since it's private and not really directly associated with the server.

And if that's the case, it's not really for the community as a whole at all. But I think we've had this discussion before. ;)
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/3/2012 8:25 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Priest
It's been updated, but I honestly feel the Sticky still needs a massive cleena up an dhave emailed the appropriate people. I spent a good chunk of time gathering this all up to get it together so its nice and neat and currant. I plan on including a link on the face book as well. Not everyone checks all the same forums, hell some people avoid them all together to reach as many people as we can we need to use all the resources and mediums available.

As much as we would like a one stop got place for it all its not likely. You may get some here and some there. The idea is to get as many folks on the same page. And unlike the unnoficial forums which are public to all that register, things are not divided into neat sections to make them easier to sort and find. Nothing is perfect, our commuunity isn't, the forums are not and nor are the players.

Lectril's idea to reach out using all mediums available made more sense than posting in on location to reach just part of the community. His approach grants more access and outlets to ALL members of the community. Some folks hate forums all together, so we have channels, other prefer twitter or facebook. There will never be a one stop area to reach everyone.
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85 Night Elf Druid

Does that mean folks are closing the other website where some (not all) RP info is housed (and obscured from those who aren't privy to it) and they'll actually be using the Blizzard boards to communicate server things? That would be "one-stop shopping" for RP, yes? :)

If not, then it's just narrowing things down to two places, one of which is kind of hidden since it's private and not really directly associated with the server.

And if that's the case, it's not really for the community as a whole at all. But I think we've had this discussion before. ;)

I can't speak for these other folks and their sites or blogs, really can't. Some folks give up , some leave or withdraw from the community and others stick around and try to make others feel involved. Its easy to quit. Harder to dig in your heels and work to improve matters.

These are the oBoards and I would love it if they could be presented better than just a listing of posted messages. Like grouping/etc. But I would guess that isn't the intent.

Thus, enter sites like the and the like where the folks there try to keep folks who want to be active members of the community informed on the happenings. This is why I impress on all folks who have a community site to post items here on the oBoards to get the word out about their sites. If you want folks to see it, don't hide it.

And for the above site, I've seen folks 'double post' here and on that site so to get the word out. I challenge any folks who want to be involved in the RP community to do the same, if you think your site is constructive to RP, then broadcast it.

One-stop might have been the wrong phrase there. It's a good place to have all the active events listed here on the oBoards. Because that's where folks usually come to look for active RP'ers and ways to link up with them. And if they see the events, and the folks posting links to other community sites, they might just join in.

Because if you are still wanting to be part of the RP community, it needs each and every one of us to make it a better place to be.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 09:37 PMPosted by Jaylik
Because if you are still wanting to be part of the RP community, it needs each and every one of us to make it a better place to be.

Anyone who roleplays is part of the community, even if they aren't involved in every circle, attend all events, or chum it up with everyone else.

Some people have reservations and boundaries... some people have issues with shyness... some folks have schedules that don't click with the majority of others who might be considered the more vocal of the community. The list can go on and on regarding why people do as they do.

Regardless, having information updated here on "official" boards is providing knowledge in an environment where there are monitors that are neutral. As well, the oBoards are generally the first place people come when checking out other servers.

I'm glad we agree that the oBoards deserve credence and use. As long as people who are responsible for communicating their information do so, it shouldn't be an issue.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Lectril's idea to reach out using all mediums available made more sense than posting in on location to reach just part of the community. His approach grants more access and outlets to ALL members of the community. Some folks hate forums all together, so we have channels, other prefer twitter or facebook. There will never be a one stop area to reach everyone.

Clarification: I really called for

I've seen folks 'double post' here and on that site so to get the word out.

because we have an off-site that's used so heavily. Double-posts should be standard(or, preferably, posted here originally) because the site isn't stickied knowledge and because

the oBoards are generally the first place people come when checking out other servers.
Edited by Lectril on 3/4/2012 12:23 PM PST
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90 Human Mage
The unofficial boards I've seen in conjunction with other servers have worked better than .net, strictly because they were larger servers, with more vibrant raiding, PvP, and RP communities. In essence, on those servers, there was too much activity to limit it to one forum.

The only issue I've seen with .net has been the fallout that occurred during it's birth. It's not serving the community. It's serving a handful of people, in a moderately sized clique. That's neither good nor bad, but it cannot be fully labeled a community.

What I would like to see happen is, those RP posts, especially those "Open RP" posts, end up over here, at least double posted.
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85 Night Elf Druid

The only issue I've seen with .net has been the fallout that occurred during it's birth. It's not serving the community. It's serving a handful of people, in a moderately sized clique. That's neither good nor bad, but it cannot be fully labeled a community.

What I would like to see happen is, those RP posts, especially those "Open RP" posts, end up over here, at least double posted.

Sites like are tools, nothing more. They are all serving a smaller group of folks as not everyone knows about them. I can't speak for all the fringe sites out there but for the site all you have to do is go there and you can post. And if you post, you can copy and paste the link here. Easy.

We make it a community by sharing ideas back and forth just as in real life. If folks don't want to use some of the extra sites out there, don't. None are forcing anyone to do so.

As others have said, posting links here to other sites with members is a good way to link everyone together. Folks that know nothing about any of these other fringe sites will probably end up here. So its best to use this as a springboard for folks. Or, if they so choose, they can only look through these lists. Their call. Either way, here or there, get the information out there and let each user decide what they want to do.

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100 Blood Elf Priest
I found out Deadly Fate is no longer doing their RP thing on Wednesday's if that can be corrected please.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Not sure if you mean to update the sticky, but if it is please keep all posts in the sticky thread. Makes it easier to track.

That being said, I'll keep my eyes open for folks from Deadly Fate. Hopefully they'll be able to confirm.
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90 Night Elf Death Knight
I'm afraid you missed the Slaughtered Lamb Tavern. Happens every wednesday/thursday, and by the way, most of these are close to being outdated. I almost never see any of these things anymore.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Deadly fate is no longer dpoing their RP on Wednestday it has changed Guild leaders etc.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The sticky was actually updated March 5th after I contacted a guild member and asked about the event :)
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