Core Spots for RP

100 Blood Elf Priest
Hey all!

I had a new RPer asking me where some of the hubs are for RP and would love input so we can point these folks in the right direction. So far my results have been:


Silvermoon (but it has severly diminished)


If any one has more places please add to the list it would be fabulous to have.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
My stand on the subject is, where would your character go lorewise? If you rp a high elf, would you take them to SMC? Or Orgrimmar? Likely not since high elves are Alliance -smiles- but things like that always determined where I played.

Some of my picks are...

Shattrath for a neutral place that has a different less, magey sort of feel than Dalaran.

I've always loved rp in Undercity. I believe that place is the most overlooked and it's sad because now that you can fly inside, there are lovely places you can go that you don't need a mage to slow fall you to anymore! Not to mention the ruins above, simply wonderful.

Always loved Zangarmarsh for a different kind of troll feel, or night elven feel for that matter. The flora there is unlike anything else in the game. Great atmosphere.

I think another great neutral place is Booty Bay. So much can be found there! So much trouble to get into!

I'd love to post up pictures of my favorite spots but, can't really on the O-boards. Guess that's why it's handy to have unofficial sites like! I might just hop on over there and put a few screen shots up. Great idea for a thread Tali!
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