Need Help

100 Tauren Warrior
Hi there

I am wondering if anyone might be able to help me recall who wrote this article that deals with a historical timeline in WoW...I wish I would have made a note as to who the author was...might anyone recall the name of the person?

I included it within a blog post I made and was hoping to give credit where credit is due

Thank you in advance
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I can't point you to a specific forum post, but Shade has posted numerous timeline-related articles on WoW Insider. Chances are she posted the information you mentioned.

  • Timeline for Humans:
  • Timeline for Elves:
  • Timeline for Tauren:

If you are interested in the lore of Warcraft and all the nuances and hick-ups in the timeline, I highly recommend checking out her blog posts on
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100 Tauren Warrior

I will drop her a line and see if she might recognize it as her own

For the Horde!
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Lok'tar ogar!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Definitely not one of mine -- I've had plenty for varied events, and one big whompin one for the books, comics and other out-of-game media, but nothing like that that I recall.
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