- Would this be counted as god-modding? The fact that humans aren't directly linked to the arcane themselves so one delving into magics of the nether would've to pay a price, yes?
- As far as 'demonic gifts' from the twisting nether goes, to what extent would the fel lords of the twisting nether would grant to a mortal champion?
- As corrupted as a champion could be, is there any hope for redemption or would the only solution be direct purging inside out? Even if he's fully cleansed, would he be able to live normally without feedbacks or side effects?
Okay! So I've been thinking about it.
1) No, not god-modding. God modding is -anything- that gives you direct control over -anything- another character does. (What they perceive is a different story- that's what your MyRP is for!). Being super-unique is not god-modding, though it -could- be perceived as mary-sue-ish. But allow me to get to further points...
2) Honestly? Anything you saw in a Burning Crusade dungeon, heroic or raid would be about what they'd give to mortals. Seriously, wasn't that mostly the point of the expansion? Anyhoo, summoning demons, fel fire magics, warlocky abilities like supernatural fear or the ability to teleport or seriously I don't want to go over this repeatedly but honestly you could go anywhere with it.
3) This is Warcraft, where Metzen hinted that there'd even be a chance for Illidan. ILLIDAN. Arthas was stated as being the only reason that the scourge didn't utterly ruin Azeroth as we know it, and that guy was a monster. He woke up every morning and ate two kittens for breakfast, and washed it down with a gallon of liquefied orphans. And if we're expanding it to 'blizzard in general', they redeemed Kerrigan who was (and I quote) "the queen !@#$% of the universe". Who murdered two people in cold blood, one of whom really didn't deserve it. Yeah. There's a possibility for redemption.
I direct you, however, to this Order of the Stick comic.
Redemption is a rare and special thing, after all. It is not for everyone.
Allow me to divert the topic now that questions have been answered (technically by others before me since they were faster on the checking our forums here).
I always thought it was interesting to 'divert' from the typical sources of power for various classes, and am also wondering how much 'multiclassing' is considered acceptable.
For instance, there are defined instances of evil paladins whose devotion, though misguided, allowed them to retain the light-given powers they had. Further, there's a precedent for !!SCIENCE replacing faith in such cases (it is hinted at with the Gnomes, at least), meaning that with applicable study and the right degree of twisted faith, you'd be able to channel the light even while doing some pretty vile things.
In short- could there be Death Knight paladins? Could there be Warlock-Priests, or even Warlock-Druids (I know that Shadow Priests would work well with warlockery in general, but hey, covering all bases)? With Trolls, who are kind of accessing fel energy by tapping into the darkness behind the stars through service to the dark Loa like Bwonsamdi and other misspelled actual voodoo Loa, it would seem that there's lots of room for blending of classes, and I'm almost wondering what degree we're considering it 'acceptable'.
I know at least in BC we had one guy who had all three cloth classes and assumed they were the same toon, and hell even I had Malgor the Warlock and Shadow Priest.
I ask mostly because I'm finally getting a grip on Malakoji's character and personality, and I like the idea of him as a shapeshifter/trickster-archetype with a decidedly dark bent. I keep tons of transformation items in his bags regardless (and can thus appear as all sorts of fun stuff), but I was wondering how annoyed people would get if I have Malakoji the warlock and also Malakoji the Druid. Is it annoying or is it considered generally acceptable?