RP Server Survey Project

18 Blood Elf Warlock
Greetings, Sisters of Elune!

I am posting this thread on every RP server aside from Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord.

This is a survey of RP activity on the various RP servers, many of which are only vaguely known by WoW's RP community at large.

This was inspired by a handful of requests for insight on the various RP servers, which were met only with talk of Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord.

However, there are over a dozen RP servers out there, one of which is yours.

I would like to gather the feedback from each of these surveys after a week for a general consensus and post the findings altogether.

So if you are a role player, a member of an RP guild or have experiences and/or insight to share on the RP community of your server, for one faction or both, then please represent in this thread within one week of the original posting date.

Thank you very much to everyone who participates.


EDIT For Additional Notes!

1. Replies From Trolls Will Not Be Included In The Final Results Report / Every Server Has Its Trolls

2. The Final Results Reports Will Be Posted On The World's End Tavern Forum

3. Potential Feedback Topics :

- A history of the RP community
- Where the RP community is at / How the RP community is doing now
- Where new players to the server can go to find RP (RP 'hotspots')
- What the RP is like (very guild-based, more random, faction events, etc)
- Current RP Guilds (and what they're all about)

Again thank you very much to everyone who participates!

Let's keep the creative writing alive! =)
Edited by Azastala on 3/18/2012 1:28 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Here is the history I've observed:

Having rolled here upon server start in January 2007, I feel that the roleplay was more active then (during BC) than it is currently. From my observations, most of the roleplay is event based these days or closed roleplay pre- coordinated with others. Most of the role players I began with during my time here have quit role playing to just play PvE or Pvp with guilds. A few I know of still roleplay, but sparingly or at least not in the open.

Typically, most people roleplayed (Horde) in Silvermoon City, Dalaran, and more recently (Cata) Orgrimmar and Darkmoon Island.

Overall, the quality of roleplay I find is still good/unchanged, but the quantity is rather low in my opinion.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I find the quality of RP here is still pretty good in my experience though since the removal of the portals in Dalaran SMC has become a ghost town.

Horde side RP seems more one on one or guild inclusive RP from my observations. THought attempts are made to open things off it has always appeared more closed compared to Alli side RP which tends to use events as catalysts and I notice more random walk up RP in that regard, even though it happens on Horde too I do not see it as much.
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24 Gnome Mage
I find the quality of RP here is still pretty good in my experience though since the removal of the portals in Dalaran SMC has become a ghost town.

Horde side RP seems more one on one or guild inclusive RP from my observations. THought attempts are made to open things off it has always appeared more closed compared to Alli side RP which tends to use events as catalysts and I notice more random walk up RP in that regard, even though it happens on Horde too I do not see it as much.

I have definitely noticed this on other RP servers, re: Horde seeming closed-off and guild-oriented.

SoE is the first server I have rolled Alli, partially for a change of pace and partially to get away from my difficulty feeling "at home" Hordeside on another RP server, so I wasn't sure if the friendliness I've experienced has been due to the new server or playing Alliance.

To the OP's survey, since I am very new here (less than a month) and only play Alliance, all I can report for SoE is that the blue side is incredibly friendly, warm, helpful, and appears to be rather spontaneous with regard to RP. So far I have seen a few instances of tavern RP in Stormwind as well as general friendliness of players out in the world, such as waving hello and offering low-level gear to newcomers. Overall a very cozy feeling server I felt immediately at home at!
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90 Night Elf Death Knight
Oh man, It would take me forever. SoE has always been my home. I have characters spread out over other servers, but I joined here in March 06, and haven't left since. I've been here a long time. What I have noticed is that RP is closed-in or isolated. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it is just spread out. You rarely see anyone RPing unless you look in the strangest places. However, back when I joined, I noticed RP was quite fruitful. My first guild was the Dwarven Alliance, and we were a mid-RP group. I made friends there like Skiddz, Cherlie, and Csisixtynine (god, I haven't heard that name in a long time) on my dwarf, Brokenaxes. I was only 12 at the time so my language got me kicked three times, by Skiddz, Cherlie, and Squelchy (even though I am good friends with Squelch, the other two quit wow)
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The community is friendly enough. My only problem is that every other thread is about the realm's state of rebirth or convincing more people to RP, while the situation that a beginner RPer faces is pretty darn unwelcoming.

I've been around for a while, but I only recently started roleplaying. One thing I've noticed is that every popular RP event is attended almost entirely by members of the hosts' guild. I've never been in a RP guild because every one that I see has a jump-through-hoops "go to our site and fill out an application" join system. (I've applied to two of the "big guilds" and received no response from either but that's beside the point... i think) So I frequently seem to be out of the loop when an event's location or time is changed.

I figured it was just a lack of communication on my part so I did some (a LOT) of digging around and eventually discovered that the RP community has its own chat channel, RPchatter. As it turns out, all of the planning must be done somewhere else, because the channel is rarely used for anything. Even now, I often fly to Darnassus and spend a few minutes searching for the group that has mysteriously relocated, contrary to the event's description.

This communication barrier has had some noticeable, but oddly ignored, side-effects. Guild-centric events are populated almost exclusively by members of the guild, and independent events seem to wither away as weeks go by with nobody in attendance. (slaughtered lamb social? what's that?)

Over time I've gotten used to hunting down migratory guild events, but searching the forums for fun little meetings elsewhere and waiting 20 minutes for anyone to show up is something that continues to bug me.

...good god that was a long post.
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