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90 Blood Elf Paladin
After spending the last ten hours anxiously counting down the hours until the NDA was lifted, we can officially say the panda is out of the bag.

If you've been avoiding MMO and other fansites like the plague, you might want to divert your eyes elsewhere :3



The final patch of Mists of Pandaria will be the Siege of Orgrimmar! Both factions lay siege to the city to bring Garrosh down and end his reign of Warchief.

I'm pretty certain everyone's face while reading this was similar to:

On to the questions...

  • Did you expect this?
  • How will your character react to this?
  • Who do you think will rise as Warchief?

  • With the developers insisting this new expansion was all about the war between Horde and Alliance I thought Garrosh was the perfect antagonist to Varian. That first line came as a complete surprise.

    As far as my character's reaction goes, she's going to be elated. She'll gladly man the pitchforks and storm down to Orgrimmar.

    I'm a bit at odds on who can step in as Warchief. Baine is far too peaceful for the story the developers are selling. Vol'jin could still be pre-occupied with rebuilding the Echo Isles. Aggra's made it clear she doesn't want Thrall as Warchief. That just leaves Sylvanas.

    In my never so humble opinion, she would be the perfect one to provoke the Alliance.

    Oh... I guess technically Lor'themar could step up. Nah. Who am I kidding?
    Edited by Kalico on 3/19/2012 10:48 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Dear Garrosh,

    Remember our exchange at the Forsaken High Command in Silverpine?

    I do.

    I've been waiting on this.


    On a more serious note, I didn't expect this at all. While I would appreciate Sylvanas as warchief given how she's a rather brilliant tactician and ruthless with a smidgeon of reserve, it's that whole "You have a pulse and therefore I would rather you didn't." thing that kinda makes her a loose cannon.

    Then again, Garrosh was a loose cannon this whole time.

    What's going to be interesting is watching this all unfold and come to pass. I think I'm rather going to enjoy it. In lieu of Sylvanas, I'll go with Vol'jin. That is, of course, unless Baine does something noteworthy.

    As for how my characters react, we shall see. It depends on what happens to bring us all to that point and where they are in terms of development.
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    90 Undead Warlock
    Oh god I hope it's not Sylvanas. If it's Sylvanas, we're going to end up murdering her for shiny purples, too, and a repeat of "lol time to kill your warchief" is going to depress me.

    Regardless, as Metzen said, I've grown rather fond of Garrosh. SALT THE EARTH AND BURN THE BODIES! FOR THE HORDE! And all that, right? Going to be sad to murderize the crap out of him.

    I think Koji won't really... care? I don't know, he's a member of the Horde, certainly, but he's aligned with them in so far as it offers him an opportunity to cause mischief. Also, his friends are there! That's about it, really.

    I'm hoping for Vol'jin, but then, I think every troll kind of is.

    He's... like the last of the old guard, isn't he? That is kind of disheartening. The other options are Baine (who I don't think has seen enough story development to be a warchief- plus, he's not a WARRIOR) and Mekkatorque, who would be rather awesome if only because "FOR THE PROFIT MARGIN" is an awesome battle cry.

    I honestly don't know. We could see any number of people pop up for warchief. Consider that you don't necessarily need to be a racial leader to be the warchief. I'd vote for Saurfang or even Johnny Awesome.
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    03/19/2012 09:00 AMPosted by Malakoji
    Oh god I hope it's not Sylvanas. If it's Sylvanas, we're going to end up murdering her for shiny purples, too, and a repeat of "lol time to kill your warchief" is going to depress me.

    I agree. And while Garrosh had some redeeming moments (read: a few seconds during that one quest), I'm very curious as to what's going to bring about him being hardcore targeted and more for it than against it happening.

    I don't want to have to kill Sylvanas, though they've already put an "expiration date" on her with her Val'kyr being so low in number and her requiring them to remain in the realm of the living at this point. She isn't the most huggable of characters, but she has really good reason to be as warped, bitter, and twisted as she is. In the end, she does what she has to do, I suppose, and I respect her for that.

    I'd vote for Saurfang...

    For many, many reasons, I'll agree and scream, "HECKS, YEAH!" on this note. >:D
    Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/19/2012 9:40 AM PDT
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    85 Blood Elf Rogue
    Well, I'm sold. However in agreement with both Malakoji and Bellamuerte, my vote goes to Varok Saurfang as that was who I wanted initially to be Warchief during Cataclysm, but I figured since y'know, that we just had to kill his son in Ice crown, he was probably mourning. And rightfully so.

    He just gives off that protective patronly "Screw with me and I'll knock you into next week and also smack you around when you wake up next Wednesday" vibe to me, and because he's been around the block a bit having been a first, second and third war veteran, he's got a head for it.

    Other than that, I think Vol'jin would also be a good second contender.

    Sylvanas is a wonderful leader, but not as Warchief. I find her to be too underhanded and frankly I like her that way. She should keep doing her thing. Being Warchief would just put a microscope on her and that's no fun.
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    90 Blood Elf Hunter
    03/19/2012 12:44 AMPosted by Kalico
    Baine is far too peaceful for the story the developers are selling.

    Baine is far too peaceful for the story the developers are selling for Pandaria. But overall, the theme for Pandaria, from the Pandaren to the Sha, is balance. Also, the siege of Orgrimmar is the last patch of Pandaria, when we'll begin looking toward and setting up for the next expansion.

    I don't think anyone really symbolizes balance more than Baine I-have-a-mace-from-the-prince-of-Stormwind Bloodhoof.

    As with most things, I think it's easier if we cross out what is least likely to be.

    1. Lor'themar.


    2. Sylvanas

    While Sylvanas is extremely powerful, I just don't think she wants to the position of Warchief. She's sooner to cut the Forsaken off of the Horde(which isn't going to happen for the playable part of the faction for gameplay reasons anyway) than she is to take the mantle. Also, are Baine, Vol'jin, Saurfang, and the rest of the breathing members of the Horde(aside from blood elves) really gonna let a deader take the mantle? No. The Tauren would sooner leave than see an abomination of nature like that be in power.

    3. High Warlord Saurfang

    I'm gonna chalk this one up right in the middle. While Saurfang is clearly the best choice because he's a better Thrall in that he's peaceful at all the right times while still being able to lay down the law, he's old. Putting up Saurfang as Warchief is just a temporary solution until he falls down and isn't able to get up or chokes on a cranberry or something. There's also that whole thing with him not wanting to leave Northrend.

    This leaves Baine and Vol'jin. Vol'jin didn't do anything until Cataclysm. With that, he finally left his home of 6 years in Grommash Hold and took back the Echo Isles, told the Zandalari to sod off, and threatened to kill Garrosh. Baine hasn't done much in game either, but the representation of his character in The Shattering shows him to be Cairne again minus the heart trouble and arthritis. Also of note is his close friendship with the human prince. Baine is a good pick for the same reason that Saurfang is: they are both Horde members that are highly regarded by the Alliance as honorable and trustworthy. Nothing against Vol'jin, but when was the last time a troll was seen as trustworthy to a human in between worshiping Loa and eating each other?

    Baine is peaceful, just like Thrall and Cairne in the new Horde, but we've yet to see how far he can go with war if needed. Vol'jin is the opposite. We know by his character that he can fight back, but how good of a diplomat is he?

    My vote's for Bail'jin of the Bloodspear 2012. \o/

    EDIT: Let me clarify before a ragestorm starts. I know Vol'jin will be a good diplomat, but it's a matter of perception in eyes of the Alliance. How will they take to seeing a troll become Warchief of the Horde? Diplomatic skill means nothing if people are unwilling to listen to you in the first place.
    Edited by Lectril on 3/19/2012 10:11 AM PDT
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    85 Worgen Death Knight
    Leuts is more then happy to explore a new land and perhaps the Pandaren will help her to learn to control her own demons...

    And of course where there is a bloody battle to be fought Leuts will join in...for her own amusement.
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    85 Undead Mage
    High Warlord Saurfang would get my vote, if it were a voting matter.

    Will Orcs follow anyone other than an Orc? I don't trust Orcs, but would trust them even less with a non-Orc Warchief.

    ((I do hope Vol'jin will get to make good on his promise.))
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    03/19/2012 11:29 AMPosted by Meteorus
    ((I do hope Vol'jin will get to make good on his promise.))

    Agreed on this, and it was one of the first things I thought of (right after Sylvanas getting a bit of her own back).

    As for if Orcs would follow anyone other than an Orc? Interesting and valid point. This is, however, a "New Horde" and Thrall's own behavior had a great impact on how certain things work nowadays. I can imagine you'd see some dissent if it were anything other than an Orc as "warchief" but I can imagine a little approval from Thrall (and the unfolding of whatever dark things we have yet to see happen) might go a long way to opening minds and making it acceptable to dance to a different drum.

    I wonder if and how Warlord Zaela might play into all of this...
    Reply Quote
    85 Human Rogue
    I can't wait to come to org, and be greeted as a friend. I will meet you all on the battlefield. Cheers!
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    03/19/2012 10:03 AMPosted by Lectril
    I know Vol'jin will be a good diplomat, but it's a matter of perception in eyes of the Alliance. How will they take to seeing a troll become Warchief of the Horde? Diplomatic skill means nothing if people are unwilling to listen to you in the first place.

    Umm... Its not like we had any say in who was their king.

    Regardless of who's put up there, whether its Baine, Vol'jin, Sylvanas, that other guy with the ears or even Jaina... There will be outcry from the other faction.

    I'm extremely excited over the story that will lead up to that. For as much as King Varian has hated the Horde he's never truly gone this far. Also, to have an entire faction turn against their own leader? Kodo dung is going to hit the fan!

    Also, I love Metzen for allowing me the opportunity to kill Garrosh on a weekly basis.
    Edited by Kalico on 3/19/2012 10:47 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Hunter
    03/19/2012 06:14 PMPosted by Kalico
    I know Vol'jin will be a good diplomat, but it's a matter of perception in eyes of the Alliance. How will they take to seeing a troll become Warchief of the Horde? Diplomatic skill means nothing if people are unwilling to listen to you in the first place.

    Umm... Its not like we had any say in who was their king.

    That's not what I said. Their king also follows succession and the right of the crown.

    It's not a matter of the Alliance having a say in it, but again, what they'll perceive and how they'll react. While regardless the Horde is going to champion whatever warchief they want, the Alliance will accept Baine more willingly than they would Sylvanas or another Garrosh.
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    90 Blood Elf Rogue
    It's...going to be Thrall. I mean Metzen said as much at SDCC this year.
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    03/19/2012 09:53 PMPosted by Shade
    It's...going to be Thrall. I mean Metzen said as much at SDCC this year.

    You mean last year?

    I do recall Metzen explaining at Blizzcon '10 how this entire thing with Garrosh was all for Thrall's development. Which I believed meant we'd see Thrall grow as a character during Cataclysm, not an expansion later. We can argue that we saw some progress with the Aggra storyline as well as the chain in Hyjal but to an extent it wasn't truly completed.

    Now comes the question... what exactly could Garrosh do to lead to this?

    He killed Cairne and the Horde didn't go out demanding his head on a spike.

    Now I could be mistaken (wouldn't be the first time xD) but the only way of attaining the title of Warchief is if you're either appointed as a successor or by winning a Mak'gora against the previous Warchief.

    Given the fact that we will be fighting him I'm rather confident we can discard the whole appointment thing. Which leaves us with the shift in power happening by a Mak'gora... but I think I'm going to start rambling now about the encounter's design and as fun as that may be, I'd rather stick to the discussion of how this will impact lore.
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Thrall returning as warchief is a possibility, though I wouldn't base it off of one line said by a man who was bested by Red Shirt Guy. Plus, we all know things change when it comes to "let's do this with the story" and where it really goes (we'll not mention Draenei/Eredar and I still feel cheated about what was intended for Vashj'ir and how it all kinda got dumped. >.<).

    It would make sense (although be extremely trite) for Thrall to achieve overall life harmony (as he was so seeking) and then resume his position to cap an expac where balance is one of the main recurring themes. I don't know where they'd go with a Mak'gora tie-in with raid mechanics, but if that's what does it, whatever incites it must be pretty big considering the implications. Then again, marching in to off a faction leader is pretty big no matter how you look at it, so we can expect something rather drastic by my estimate.

    What we have to look at here is what could possibly incite two factions to turn against Garrosh. I'm guessing we're going to see a unity kind of thing (a la Wrath, just with less Tournament) since Alliance marching on Orgrimmar wouldn't generally be welcomed.

    I'm still curious as to where Jaina's whole thing may go and if it has something to do with the Throwdown in Orgrimmar... or the demise of a certain friend of hers (or both). Regardless of who takes Orgrimmar's reins, there's definitely some juicy storytelling coming down the pipeline and I'm excited! :3

    EDIT: We're also looking at a possible redemption story coming along, something long-touted. So how does/could that tie in? (And if we see Garrosh carting around Illidan's skull and screaming "BLACK TEMPLE WAS MERELY A SETBACK!", I might eat my hat.)
    Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/20/2012 9:07 AM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    03/20/2012 08:43 AMPosted by Bellamuerte
    I'm still curious as to where Jaina's whole thing may go and if it has something to do with the Throwdown in Orgrimmar... or the demise of a certain friend of hers (or both). Regardless of who takes Orgrimmar's reins, there's definitely some juicy storytelling coming down the pipeline and I'm excited! :3

    I'm anxious to see what Golden does with Jaina on her next book. If there's an author that can do that character justice its Golden.

    But then again... I'm the biggest Golden fangirl >> She's such a darling.

    As far as a redemption story its a little unlikely. But then again, death is merely a setback in this game <.<
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Discussion over.

    The folks at Daily Blink figured it out:
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    90 Blood Elf Hunter

    I'm anxious to see what Golden does with Jaina on her next book. If there's an author that can do that character justice its Golden.

    SPOILER: She's going to cry again.
    Edited by Lectril on 3/21/2012 1:11 PM PDT
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    85 Human Warrior
    Discussion over.

    The folks at Daily Blink figured it out:

    I now hold Kali responsible for linking that and the coffee that's now messing up my keyboard.
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    I'm anxious to see what Golden does with Jaina on her next book. If there's an author that can do that character justice its Golden.

    But then again... I'm the biggest Golden fangirl >> She's such a darling.

    As far as a redemption story its a little unlikely. But then again, death is merely a setback in this game <.<

    Every character in this game has a weakness. Jaina has many good qualities: intelligent, inspired, observant, and determined to name a few. She has her weaknesses, however, and they need to be severely exploited for her to grow and develop past what she is now. I trust Golden to take care of that and deliver the rest of the strong female character archetype that is woven within Jaina.

    Mind you, we have a few strong female characters already but most are just plain nuts. (NOTE TO WRITERS: "strong female character" and "being off her rocker" are not mutually inclusive, even in the Warcraft universe.) I'll be sorely disappointed if Jaina has to totally crack in order to get past "token human chick we include when we need a catalyst of sorts".

    Then again, I'd like to see more of Aggra other than "someone who serves as a catalyst for Thrall" but that's my own personal thing.

    And everything is a setback in the WoW universe. Duh. :P

    EDIT: As far as Jaina goes, Kali, I wonder if we may have hit the nail on the head that time we were all talking about corruption and such things in the Guild Mumble. If so, I TOTES CALLED IT!
    Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/21/2012 3:48 PM PDT
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