Beta for MoP

100 Blood Elf Priest
Can't wait to test drive this one!
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Test drive heck =) *plots*
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24 Gnome Mage
I've had this account since 2008 and I signed up for the Annual Pass as soon as it was available, so...really hoping to be invited fairly early on. I'll be surprised if I'm in the first "wave" though and am content to wait. ^_^ Anyone who's been around for longer than me deserves their invite first!

I am actually a former game tester in real life, 3+ years of the stuff, so I'm looking forward to flexing my testing muscle for the first time in a while. :D
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Beta's out!

See you guys in Pandaria!

Edit: As a friendly reminder, please be extra careful with e-mails. Phishers will very likely take advantage of the news to try to hack accounts. Its always best to simply head over to check directly on your for it.

Also, make sure to rename your download file to "World of Warcraft Beta Setup.exe". Sans quotation marks.

Only 12% into this download ><
Edited by Kalico on 3/21/2012 9:31 PM PDT
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24 Gnome Mage
Thanks Kalico! When I get my beta invite I'll be sure to do that. In the meantime I'm just waiting patiently (which really does feel like a virtue when surrounded by hundreds of QQ posts demanding instant access) and enjoying the MMO champ livestream. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Server was pretty stable last night. Its being terrible today ><

Keeps randomly bumping folks out (this lil' panda included too :( )
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
So far I've only seen Vampteesa around :3

Hopefully more folks from the server will be running around helping Blizzard test things.

Here's a few pictures I've gathered so far:
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24 Gnome Mage
So far I've only seen Vampteesa around :3

Hopefully more folks from the server will be running around helping Blizzard test things.

Here's a few pictures I've gathered so far:

Checked out your blog - the spirit of fire is just gorgeous!

Still waitin' on my invite like most everybody else. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The starting zone was just the beginning, the Jade Forest is gorgeous *o*.

I still haven't been able to quest, I've just been running around trying to see everything at once. xD So moar pictures:

And great news from Bashiok here:
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24 Gnome Mage
Alas, no invite yet for me. Seems mostly '04-05ers who were invited though, and rightly so. I continue my patient vigil. ^_^
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89 Blood Elf Paladin
I've been checking throughout the day, even though I only started WoW in late BC (early summer 2008) and will probably have to wait awhile. No MoP invite last time I checked, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a D3 Beta invite! The download commences!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Waiting on my download to finish.


So very excited to take part and help shape what we'll see Live! :D
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