Things that Vex You (IC if you please.)

87 Gnome Priest
Fences. Rusting things are always seem to be a few whisker widths higher than I think I can jump.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Wow this reminds me of George Carlin's "People I Can Do Without"

-People who leave an RP fight in "godlike" fashion
-Low doorways, (when on a mount) they suck
-Villians, who get upset oocly at how people react to them ICly
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I thought the point of this was to be IC...Anywho, things that vex:

  • "Sold Out" Signs
  • Booze
  • Gnomes

  • Mordua-
  • Fluffystaz
  • Demobears
  • High temperatures
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    71 Tauren Paladin
    ...low doorways
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    90 Night Elf Death Knight
    Ya see, when I buy one of these green potions off of the 'ction house, I grew bigger, to a steady 8'7". Unfortunately, I couldn't enter the bank to collect my dead bodies...
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    85 Worgen Death Knight
    -People who talk big but show themselves to be cowards.
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    90 Gnome Mage
    Troll Shamans. I get along with the Druid types okay, but....

    Wait... "vex?" Sorry I thought you said "hex."

    Hmmm. I think I'll let my first statement stand. Oh, and agree on the fences thing.
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    85 Blood Elf Rogue
    Male Sin'dorei Paladins and Warriors who won't drop the soap.

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