
85 Human Warrior

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86 Draenei Shaman
*starts boiling water and melting butter* =)
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85 Human Warrior
04/02/2012 04:06 AMPosted by Mirassou
*starts boiling water and melting butter* =)

Don't forget the garlic...
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90 Human Mage
Shame on both of you! Crabby is my FRIEND. Besides, he does a lot to foster RP. He keeps telling me to go to the World's End Tavern, or whatever it is. Hey! HEY! He wants me to go on an adventure now. I already did dailies, what else could he want?

You know, this Spectral Crab thingy is making me want a vanity pet.
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24 Gnome Mage
04/02/2012 10:35 AMPosted by Aeviercy
You know, this Spectral Crab thingy is making me want a vanity pet.

Yes! This would be a great in-game pet, random advice speech bubbles and all! In fact, wouldn't he be a perfect replacement for that boring/awkward tutorial meant for new players?
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100 Blood Elf Priest
For some reason the scene from the Little Mermaid and the chef is looking real good.
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85 Human Warrior
AUGH, it's staring at me!!!!! Someone kill it with fire!!!

-runs around in circles half naked-
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90 Human Mage
04/02/2012 12:18 PMPosted by Monpetit
You know, this Spectral Crab thingy is making me want a vanity pet.

Yes! This would be a great in-game pet, random advice speech bubbles and all! In fact, wouldn't he be a perfect replacement for that boring/awkward tutorial meant for new players?

Now only if he'd teach me Esperanto on the side, too!
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