So been around a while

85 Tauren Druid
And I am transferring off in the next couple weeks. But not for greener pastures not really. And certainly not for RP as anyone who knows me know. But I have made friends on both sides of the faction (my mage Dankill is a dirty alliance dog). And for those of you not on my realID and know me I am leaving. RL best friend finally bugged me enough to go raid with him again. But only Rophy is going so yea if you wanna grab my realID (and I know you well enough) message me ingame mail or whatever and I'll try to catch you online sometime before I jet.edit: stating that my mage is a dirty alliance mage dog seemed redundant
Edited by Rophy on 3/23/2012 1:55 PM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Dude. <_<

-puts a leash on Rophy-

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85 Tauren Druid
Aye the one that deserves a leash shall be staying. But Rophy shall not be staying.
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