[H] <Functioning Altoholics> is recruiting!

90 Tauren Druid
Hi! We're a level 7 guild looking for some like-minded folks to enjoy all that Azeroth has to offer. We frequently run guild heroics, PvP and LFR. We also have a wide range of folks leveling, with helpful, friendly members to assist if you need it. We've got the usuals: guild bank, tabard, vent, etc.

What if I already have a main in a super awesome raiding guild?

That's great! We love alts; we make no requirements on play time.

How do I know you guys aren't super lame?

You don't. But how did Mikey find out that he liked Life cereal? He tried it!

What do you offer that's fun and/or different?

We've got a rather silly group of players. Sometimes they facepull, sometimes they afk from their brain, and sometimes they MD onto the healer just for giggles. So if random deaths (by the way, repairs are covered by the guild bank) bother you, we might not be the group for you. After gaining the cash flow perk, we decided to spice things up a bit. So the super guild xp earners at the end of the week are awarded with a bonus, broken up by level ranges. It just seemed unfair to pit that poor level 10 against the level 85, know what I mean?

If you're interested, or you'd like more information, let us know! Most of us have a handful of alts, so I'm not going to go through the whole list. Just contact anyone in <Functioning Altoholics> and they'll get an officer to talk with you.

Happy Travels!
Edited by Aífe on 5/5/2012 6:39 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Come one come all! We are a very welcoming bunch, any and all of you are welcome. Thank you for stopping by to read our post, hope to see you in game!
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100 Tauren Druid
/bumpxxor :)
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100 Undead Priest
/also bump
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