Are we a real guild yet?
-H- Greed's doors are WIDE OPEN!
Greed is hosting 40man classic raids this Saturday at 8:00pm server time. It's open invite for as long as we have slots open. Nothing is on reserve save for Chromagus in BWL for a hunter who's going to be taming him. Vent will be active, come hang out!
Do you use mana? Do you RP? Then you're invited to the Horde caster's summit hosted by Greed! Gather around with fellow magic users at Gallywix's Pleasure Palace and have a blast mingling with your peers this Thursday, 9/20, at 7:30pm server! This is an RP event so please, dress up and polish those T/MRP's!
<Greed> Has earned the achievement "Congratulations on finally being considered a real guild"
Still recruiting by the way to one and all...
But just between us girls.. <Greed> tastes pretty good if you know what I mean. ~.o
Still recruiting by the way to one and all...
But just between us girls.. <Greed> tastes pretty good if you know what I mean. ~.o
Edited by Telarian on 10/4/2012 4:39 PM PDT
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