Occam's Razor in TB

85 Goblin Death Knight
How exactly does a battle occur where one side has over twice as many people as the other, without queuing dummy alts to count as a slot on one side, by not accepting, yet still allowing for the other side to get more people in?

Not that I'm making any accusations, but I don't believe in coincidences.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
There's a balancing feature to this system that will try to have battles be on a 1vs.1 ratio. However, to my understanding this balance will only come into play after the minority party has a minimum of sorts.

I've only seen the imbalance you mention in the wee hours of the morning when there's few people around. At the usual peak realm times things are fairly balanced.

Since this zone works similar to a battleground, perhaps the folks there can offer more enlightenment on this?
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90 Human Warrior
holy pot....kettle...horde on soe complaining about imbalance....somebody notify the press.
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85 Goblin Warlock
Lol. When has horde ever had anything less than 2H:1A in TB?
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85 Goblin Death Knight
It's come to my attention that TB (and WG) allow for up to 5 players before going to a 1-for-1. If this is correct (I've not confirmed it) then 1 v 5s aren't just possible, but probably common.
04/13/2012 10:29 AMPosted by Macbride
holy pot....kettle...horde on soe complaining about imbalance....somebody notify the press.

Your cliche metaphor is inaccurate. The imbalance I refer to is the system allowing for unequal numbers when the objective relies on having relatively equal footing too contest control of each base. The imbalance you're referring to is that we just have all the good players.
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85 Worgen Death Knight
Tol Barad is the worst designed BG in the game (even worse then IoC/SotA) with extreme demands for win/loss conditions.

It's mostly a popularity contest to see if the attacking side has more people then the defending side 90% of the time no real strategy is involved/required aside from "Cap all 3"

It's the '3 cap to win' mechanic that ruins what would otherwise been an interesting world BG.

As things stand now the defending team can just turtle up on 1 base and make light attacks to 'defend' the other 2 until the clock runs out to 'win'. Only way for an offensive team to counter this is to 'zergzergzerg' and hope they cap in time.

I wish they had used some form of resources counter mechanic instead of the crappy 3cap win condition but at least this expansion is almost over and we can look forward to whatever crappy world BG they dream up for Pandaria.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
04/14/2012 10:37 PMPosted by Leuts
this expansion is almost over and we can look forward to whatever crappy world BG they dream up for Pandaria.

I'm pretty sure they said there wasn't going to be a big world BG in Mists. I cannot say I blame them.
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90 Human Warrior
04/14/2012 11:01 AMPosted by Antinozz
The imbalance you're referring to is that we just have all the good players.
Sadly wrong; the imbalance I'm referring to is that horde more often than not have had a distinct numbers advantage in Wg and now TB. I was in NO WAY implying horde are better at pvp. So when a horde player complains about numbers, its ironic and makes my metaphore totally accurate.
Edited by Macbride on 4/15/2012 8:19 AM PDT
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85 Goblin Death Knight
... As things stand now the defending team can just turtle up on 1 base and make light attacks to 'defend' the other 2 until the clock runs out to 'win'. Only way for an offensive team to counter this is to 'zergzergzerg' and hope they cap in time.

I wish they had used some form of resources counter mechanic instead of the crappy 3cap win condition but at least this expansion is almost over and we can look forward to whatever crappy world BG they dream up for Pandaria.

The "turtle at one" strategy often leads to failure more often than victory, since the counter mechanic is that you gain control of a 3rd base faster if you control the other two, thus to counter a turtle, yes, you kind of have to zerg it, but at the same time, if you a small squad go for a 3rd while the majority of your forces are hitting a 2nd base, when the large force caps that 2nd one, the small squad, if able to get a foot in, will quickly finish up the game.
04/15/2012 08:18 AMPosted by Macbride
Sadly wrong; the imbalance I'm referring to is that horde more often than not have had a distinct numbers advantage in Wg and now TB

After the first 5 for each team, TB (and WG as of a late Wrath patch) limit entry on a 1 for 1 basis. The only way to greatly outnumber a team, assuming it's not {1,2,3,4} vs 5, is if either a large number of people leave the zone/raid group prematurely, or if one side has a large number queue, get accepted, but not enter... in either case, if people continue to queue, while the battle is in progress, the only people getting in would be those on the side that needs the numbers to make it even.

Most of the time, TB battles will be even in terms of numbers. If it starts even, then you lose a bunch of players and become outnumbered, that's neither the Horde players' nor the game's parameters at fault.
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