A wise man once said: "There are no perfect men in the world; only perfect intentions."-Azeem from Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves
@Shade: The intent was to do a cliff notes version, I am sorry you feel slighted, I was only doing something that was asked for, it was brought up at the meeting and in the past a few folks have asked for it to be done before. I would normally redirect them to another site, I was also under the impression that though we may not all get along we should attempt to respect and work together as best as we can when I left the meeting the other eve.
I have always said the Community is our best resource. This was not to downplay your hard work, only to create a short, condensed version that is a quick at a glance read. I also stated I was not the original writer, and it was modified from a previous game.
For those who don't want to scroll through walls of posts and numerous texts that is why it was asked for. I honestly feel your in depth version is great for those who want to really sink their teeth into the nitty gritty full aspect of RP in greater detail.
Not all people learn the same way, some people for example can't focus on a book to actually read it they need it in audio format because it is how they learn, some folks need to just get in there and learn on the fly.
I honestly don't see why both cannot coexist as the intention is the same, to help people understand RP. There is no perfect solution here nor appeasing everyone. Credit is given where it is due, and I applaud your in depth efforts to make sure all aspects of RP are concise and clearly addressed in the sticky.
I will be honest, I have no idea what your RP background is. Mine comes from years in UO and WoW as well as working as a volunteer for WoWStratics and doing some pieces for Beckett's Massive Online Gaming Monthly. If you total the years its about 15 now if not 16 (OMG I am getting old.) Does it make me any better, no? Does it mean I am 100% right, no? All it means is we have collective experience to share and did so in different ways to reach the same goal: Help Roleplayers.
The arguing etc. does one thing discourage folks. I would rather work collectively and address the wants and needs of all Roleplayers in the best way possible then fight over different versions of something that address the same thing. Kalico made an excellent suggestion, about putting in a directory. It would make it a lot easier for folks and break down things for easier navigation. Why can't we incorporate both?
@Shade: The intent was to do a cliff notes version, I am sorry you feel slighted, I was only doing something that was asked for, it was brought up at the meeting and in the past a few folks have asked for it to be done before. I would normally redirect them to another site, I was also under the impression that though we may not all get along we should attempt to respect and work together as best as we can when I left the meeting the other eve.
I have always said the Community is our best resource. This was not to downplay your hard work, only to create a short, condensed version that is a quick at a glance read. I also stated I was not the original writer, and it was modified from a previous game.
For those who don't want to scroll through walls of posts and numerous texts that is why it was asked for. I honestly feel your in depth version is great for those who want to really sink their teeth into the nitty gritty full aspect of RP in greater detail.
Not all people learn the same way, some people for example can't focus on a book to actually read it they need it in audio format because it is how they learn, some folks need to just get in there and learn on the fly.
I honestly don't see why both cannot coexist as the intention is the same, to help people understand RP. There is no perfect solution here nor appeasing everyone. Credit is given where it is due, and I applaud your in depth efforts to make sure all aspects of RP are concise and clearly addressed in the sticky.
I will be honest, I have no idea what your RP background is. Mine comes from years in UO and WoW as well as working as a volunteer for WoWStratics and doing some pieces for Beckett's Massive Online Gaming Monthly. If you total the years its about 15 now if not 16 (OMG I am getting old.) Does it make me any better, no? Does it mean I am 100% right, no? All it means is we have collective experience to share and did so in different ways to reach the same goal: Help Roleplayers.
The arguing etc. does one thing discourage folks. I would rather work collectively and address the wants and needs of all Roleplayers in the best way possible then fight over different versions of something that address the same thing. Kalico made an excellent suggestion, about putting in a directory. It would make it a lot easier for folks and break down things for easier navigation. Why can't we incorporate both?