An Open Call to Roleplayers on SoE (2012)

90 Blood Elf Paladin
It’s a secret to everyone.

RP has gone underground on SoE for whatever reasons. People are tucked away, comfy in guilds and with their circles. New folks who want to RP are having a hard time coming in, and folks who are old-timers on server are having issues launching new characters they’ve worked hard to develop.

This needs to end.

Those of us that have been here for a long time can tell you stories of how this was once a land of RP opportunity that you simply cannot fathom. We were WrA before it existed, essentially. Not knocking them or those that left, but some of us love it here. We don’t want to have to leave to find RP. We don’t want to have to be quiet because we don’t fit an ideal.

You should not have to hide roleplay on a roleplay server, and (within reason) you shouldn’t have to apologize for having a character be as he or she is. You wouldn’t roll on a PvP server and expect someone from the opposite faction to apologize for ganking you, would you? Nope. You’d expect it.

People should expect roleplay on an RP server. Participation is not required, but those who wish to should feel free to do so.

All the organizations and meetings and campfire sing-a-longs aren’t fixing things. Sequestering roleplay to guilds isn’t fixing things. So… what will?

You will.

I am by no means attempting to make any committee, organize anything under my control or have anyone really perform something at my discretion. I am, however, requesting the participation of people who actually care about the creativity, overall purpose of this server (since it’s… you know… an RP server), and community in general.

Thus, I am asking that all roleplayers on Sisters of Elune specifically travel to Orgrimmar this weekend (04/27-04/29/12).

If you don't have a Horde-side character, feel free to take this opportunity to create one and get it started.

While you are in Orgrimmar, regardless of what you are doing (waiting for queues, getting dailies done, leveling your profs, or just hanging out), be in character. RP walk. Emote. Talk to others as your character would. Interact with anyone and everyone, regardless of what happens.

If you came here to roleplay and you miss it or you’re dismayed at what’s happening, change it by roleplaying.

Now… it doesn’t stop with Org. Stay IC the entire weekend. Make a point to emote and /say with folks you don’t know. If they don’t respond, so be it. But you keep being you… or you continue on with your character, as it might be.

I ask that we start this on Friday, and don’t let up.

Now, this might go nowhere. And that’s fine. But… those that do nothing are just as guilty as those that do things to purposefully ruin the fun and creativity of others. I’m not gonna be either.

Do your thing, people. Don’t let anyone stop you.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Kylea will be there.

As always rocking the latest in Gnomeboutins.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Some of the best things are in the journey not the destination, I will try and help out there if I can and get this out to my guild.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
The Greed clan will be wearing their finest and strutting their RP stuff this weekend. I hope to see a good turn out, I'm rather excited.
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89 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm not an RPer myself, but I love SoE and I'll /hug anyone who greets me IC this weekend!

<3 Xu
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Aureliah will be there, as will my alts if I end up playing them over the weekend. I agree, the only thing that is going to change the situation is getting out there and roleplaying in public, and setting an example. If you build it, they will come, etc. Meetings and discussions are all well and good, but that's time that could be spent actually roleplaying! ^_^

Nothing will change unless people get out there and make it happen! Actions will count for a lot here. I think this is a great idea.
Edited by Aureliah on 4/24/2012 9:16 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
First night during what I'm calling IC weekend was a blast! Found some new people I'd never rp'd with in the first 5 minutes, helped a few new ones out and had a great time in Org! Join the LFRP channel and get out there guys! There's a lot more people willing to rp than you'd think I promise you! See you in Org!
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Had a lot of fun last night meeting some randoms and chatting. Even some non-roleplayers responded to our IC contact, which was pretty awesome, I think. I hope I'll get to see some more faces out there tonight!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Last night was fun and I got to try something a bit different as well I am not used to RPing a troll. Today I ran into a returning RPer and was hanging out in Org, RPing with them a while. I was also thrilled that the griefers etc. seemed to leave us RPers in peace. Going to try and get some of this going on Alli as well.
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