The RP Community Warehouse.

In hopes of never having to search the distant lands of Dun Morogh or the darkest reaches of Eversong woods. I have started to deploy the ability to ensure we never have to go extremely far to find our helpful Roleplay Tools. I will update this accordingly the best I can as frequent as I can. I know we currently have a "Sisters of Elune community resources" section, but it seems the original poster has moved off server and has most likely stopped checking in on the resource topic.

So..just to be safe if they have stopped worrying about its accuracy or update work. I offer this.

====Directory Pages on Sisters of Elune O-boards====

Guild Directory:

Alliance Roleplayer List:

Horde Roleplayer List:

RP Regular Events:

====RP Community Forum Guides====

Making Writing and Role-play Come Alive (Bellamuerte):

Taking It Out of the Game (Bellamuerte):

What Works: RP Lessons and Maxims (Bellamuerte):

====RP Community channels used in game====

Alliance / Horde - /Join LFRP (Ashke - For information)

Alliance / Horde - /Join Rpchatter

Alliance / Horde - WordPress Community channels: /join soewp

====Unofficial Community websites / Community Pages====

RP Community website open to all Roleplayers -

Dramatis Personae WoW-RP site -

Facebook -!/group.php?gid=96259376741

Wowpedia -

Wowwiki -

====RP Community Blogs / User blogs====

--More to come with time AKA give me more to add RP community!--

PS: Anything needed to be added, removed, or whatever. Just inform me in a reply
PSS: I know a few links are not working right away. It was late and I will get back to them to figure out the issue.
Edited by Tãmz on 4/24/2012 5:27 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Awesome stuff, there is also: (this may need to be brought more up to date)
Edited by Talibah on 4/24/2012 11:15 AM PDT
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04/24/2012 09:26 AMPosted by Talibah
Awesome stuff, there is also:

Thanks, I already got WoWpedia up on the list.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
As its been stated across multiple threads the soe4rp Wordpress site hasn't been used in a long time. There was a group who adamantly opposed to it :)

You'll want to go ahead and remove that.

Did you check the links before posting them? When trying to access the Sisters of Elune Writing Community I'm getting the following message:

Sorry but this board is currently unavailable.

I'd suggest picking between Wowpedia or Wowwiki and simply sticking to one. Its going to get very confusing when one of them starts getting updated but not the other.
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As its been stated across multiple threads the soe4rp Wordpress site hasn't been used in a long time. There was a group who adamantly opposed to it :)

You'll want to go ahead and remove that.

i saw some post that made it seem like there were attempts being made to try and bring it back. But I have gone ahead and removed it, also is the channel no longer in use? If so I will remove it also.

I did check the links, the wordpress is the only one I skipped, was rather a late night of post lol. I will double check them after posting this.

As for the wiki vs Pedia deal, I will keep both just for the time being and watch for updates.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
i saw some post that made it seem like there were attempts being made to try and bring it back. But I have gone ahead and removed it, also is the channel no longer in use? If so I will remove it also.

Whoever claimed that was clearly misinformed.

Thank you for the initiative to finally replace the one sticky that's been abandoned though :)

Next time I suggest checking the facts yourself though.
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Looking to add the following links, but I want reply permission to do so before I do.

Shade - (So you want to RP (Instructional...something)

Talibah - (So You Want to Roleplay in a Nutshell)

Aevericy - (The Not-So-Short Short Story and RP Index)
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04/24/2012 11:07 AMPosted by Kalico
Next time I suggest checking the facts yourself though.

I do not think you would of appreciated a 4am phone call :)

Look on the bright side, shows I kept one side of the community in consideration :)
Edited by Tãmz on 4/24/2012 11:11 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

I do not think you would of appreciated a 4am phone call :)

Which would require you to have my phone in the first place, lawl. Granted its not like you had to do some deep research, simply navigating to the link would have given you the answer you needed.

No offense but there should really be just one community. Not that there is.

Btw, its still there xD
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Which would require you to have my phone in the first place, lawl. Granted its not like you had to do some deep research, simply navigating to the link would have given you the answer you needed.

No offense but there should really be just one community. Not that there is.

Btw, its still there xD

Hmmm Afternoon Gremlins are playing their games!

As for the community deal, that I will agree on but at the same time nitpicking at a small detail isn't really needed.

PS: The channel is done for also right? The wordpress one
Edited by Tãmz on 4/24/2012 11:21 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/24/2012 11:17 AMPosted by Tãmz
As for the community deal, that I will agree on but at the same time nitpicking at a small detail isn't really needed.

That is the kind of attitude that leads me to think that way.

When merely pointing out something for the purpose of helping you improve and polish the thread is viewed as an issue.
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When merely pointing out something for the purpose of helping you improve and polish the thread is viewed as an issue.

Oh I am not denying or declining your aid. I am simply saying that the nitpick to the "Community" deal was taken the wrong way. You seemed to assume that I meant "The community is made up of this group here, this group here, this group over there, this group sticking in the corner, this group sticking to the doorway over there" etc etc.

I am thankful for the aid though, do not by any means think different.

04/24/2012 02:55 AMPosted by Tãmz
PS: Anything needed to be added, removed, or whatever. Just inform me in a reply

I wouldn't of put this section in my post if I didn't mean it :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/24/2012 11:17 AMPosted by Tãmz
As for the community deal, that I will agree on but at the same time nitpicking at a small detail isn't really needed.

Well, just as some threads were created to give a shorter read to existing, detailed, proven resources, there's nothing wrong with someone else trying to hone someone else's efforts, right?

Come on, now... if we want to be critics, we should at least equally welcome constructive criticism.
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So we're going to nitpick at one small detail?

If you're buying a couch then noticed one of the arms is missing and apparently one little thread count on the cushions is off. Are you going to nitpick at the thread count or the missing arm?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Providing suggestions for corrections of outdated links in a resource document comprised of the hard work of other people isn't nitpicking.

It's making sure that we're pointing people in the right direction.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/24/2012 11:43 AM PDT
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04/24/2012 11:10 AMPosted by Tãmz
Look on the bright side, shows I kept one side of the community in consideration :)

No offense but there should really be just one community. Not that there is.

Actually this is the nitpicking I am referring to. Everything else is perfectly welcomed as long as it pertains to the main body of the topic and is constructive, not just hounding to hound.

If you desire something to be added - By all means reply
If you desire something to be removed - By all means reply
If you desire to nitpick over one small pointless detail - By all means go elsewhere.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/24/2012 11:50 AMPosted by Tãmz
If you desire to nitpick over one small pointless detail - By all means go elsewhere.

Forgive those who may disagree that a community considered split in two by those within it is a "pointless detail" that should be disregarded. By all means, carry on.

May I recommend someone to assist you as a link checker for your document? I know some folks on Alliance/Horde sides, both, were rather thorough in the dissection of the existing stickies, save for the dead ones that are no longer maintained because the owners aren't in-game or on server anymore.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/24/2012 11:59 AM PDT
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04/24/2012 11:57 AMPosted by Bellamuerte
Forgive those who may disagree that a community considered split in two by those within it is a "pointless detail" that should be disregarded. By all means, carry on.

A united community can have many sides and many -may- think we're a divided community, I believe we're a united community on the grounds of "We want the same thing for our community" and by same thing I mean seeing it prosper. If you so desire it, view the community as a group gathering at a bonfire, I doubt everyone is sitting on the same log as everyone else, so you must look to the "other side" of the group gathering around the bonfire.

May I recommend Talibah for a link checker for your document? She was rather thorough in the dissection of the existing stickies, save for the dead ones that are no longer maintained because the owners aren't in-game or on server anymore.

So taking cheap shots at my friend is more important than answering my question from a few posts ago? I see you hounding me over nothing, targeting my friend thinking your coy attack was lost on me (and anyone else who has been keeping up to date), and apparently the one thing I request that does actually have something to do with the main post body post is lost. So I will post the question in a quote one last time.

04/24/2012 11:17 AMPosted by Tãmz
PS: The channel is done for also right? The wordpress one

Does this channel need to be removed from the list as well? Yes or No is all I need. I do not need a snarky comment, I do not need a cheap jab at anyone, I simply need a Yes or No.
Edited by Tãmz on 4/24/2012 12:13 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
This thread has gone way off it's original purpose, to update information that others stated was no longer up to date. Tamz took the initative here to help correct that.

Constructive critisism is just that "constructive", and suggestions are wonderful an outside point of view can sometimes shed a whole new light on something or reveal something not thought of. None of us are perfect and we are human, we make oversights, it happens.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm guessing you added that question in the edit?

Wasn't there when I first replied to you and I saw no indication on the posts after that you had asked this question.

As far as the answer, I wouldn't know. I haven't been in that channel for a long time now, even if I jumped in game I wouldn't be able to verify if it was still being used since for all I know folks might jump in and chat in it at 5am in the morning.
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