The perm flag movement.

85 Human Warlock
Greeting everyone, In the downtime between the expansions and possibly the start of MoP I've had an idea to get things more interesting. That Idea is Perm flagging, it is simply staying flagged for PvP at all times, while doing your dailies/Farming/Waiting or anything regardless of where you are, even in friendly territory. My goal is to keep a short list of "perm flaggers" alliance and horde in order to promote world pvp.

Rules are simple:
  • You must be always flagged for pvp, be it in friendly or enemy territory.
  • You are fair game to any players at any time (Getting camped/ganked or whatever)
  • Any level may participate

  • Players participating:



    Good hunting everyone.
    Edited by Rampard on 5/29/2012 5:53 AM PDT
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    85 Human Rogue
    I'll participate.
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    100 Tauren Druid
    sad to say, but the alliance on SoE put up more of a fight than the moon guardian alliance. letting me tee off in the open racking up millions of damage on them and when i do get focused i easily escape.

    And too bad you guys started this after I left. Though I was mostly flagged anyways, since i was always in and out of BGs..
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    85 Human Rogue
    alliance on SoE put up a fight? but I think the alliance has the only people that dare to go to the other factions main city? so honestly I think the alliance bring the fight and the horde try to put up a fight in org. but then again in wrath it was the other way around soo /shrug it whatever.
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    100 Tauren Druid
    lol cause most of my crew is off server now or quit the game. we were the only ones who ventured into sw, I mean we were the first guild on server to get the hks in opposing factions cities by just camping out for HOURS in the city taking massive forces to remove us.
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    100 Tauren Druid
    But yea hordeside is seriously lacking now in balls, and SoEs alliance doesnt really put up a fight, but moon guards put up even less.
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    100 Night Elf Druid
    That's because moon guards alliance are all busy with their ERP in the Lion's Pride Inn. Lol
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    100 Night Elf Druid
    BTW Rampard, my shammy is always flagged, I never take it off anymore! Add Maìya to the list for alliance! Though my time expires some time today, but I will be back probably later this week. Getting money from my brother while I do yard work for him and then donating plasma ^^
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    85 Blood Elf Rogue
    Well, yeah, I'm a big wuss. See, I play on an RP server because I don't want to be perma-flagged. Ever. But, whatever floats your boats. I'll shiv you for sh!ts and giggles. ;)
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    100 Draenei Death Knight
    Ill play.
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