Masquerade Dance Ball [A/H]

90 Draenei Death Knight
Come eat drink and be merry, let go of your ambitions, your hang ups, your set backs, for a night here or there and enjoy the life you ve been given. Be Ready to dance and enjoy the ocean air. Bring out your masks and costumes become some one new if you would like we might.. and we won t tell if you won t...

~The Crimson Masquerade is not responsible for lost items, lunches, or limbs. Crew and captain are not liable for attendees. Try to have a good time and enjoy a few hours with friends!~

When; Friday Aug. 17th
Where; Dalaran @ the Purple Parlor
Time; 8pm-11pm

((Tune in to for music of the night. Both Factions welcome! ))

10pm server during the Ball a Costume Contest

Prizes for; Most Creative (Non-set outfits), Best Costume, and Funniest Costume!

Theme; Heroes Night Out! Dress as your favorite lore heroes ICly speaking, that commander that lit into you and pushed you to become what you are today, or that lady who set a standard for your values. Bring a story with the outfit to honor these men and women who have inspired your attire!
Edited by Aerissette on 8/3/2012 1:55 PM PDT
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Wanted to give a shout to all who came and say thank you! Hope you all had a good time ^.^
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Bumping for the next Ball Date. This time heading to Dalaran the Purple Parlor. Both factions Welcome!
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Bump reminder for this Friday
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Thanks again to all who came, got to see a lot of new faces and absolutely loved it <3. It was really nice to see the Tauren there, forgive me it's late and I forgot your name, but thanks for the dances! ^.^ Maybe next time we'll see more horde :3 I would have to say the line that nearly made me fall from my chair was, "But I was liking licking the dead man..." Or something along those lines.

If anyone has preference of Booty Bay or Dal or some other neutral and accessible place feel free to toss in your thoughts.

Thanks again! Hope everyone had as much fun as I did. <3 yall
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Thank you for hosting, Aerissette! I had a great time, wish I could have stayed for the duration.

Edit: By the way, the tauren's name was Apahe!
Edited by Gnaea on 6/23/2012 12:43 PM PDT
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100 Human Warlock
Hey there! I'm going to be throwing a Masquerade Ball on my server, Argent Dawn, at some point. I was curious as to what sort of masks people wore to the event, so that I can give some suggestions to those attending my event.

Also, do you have any advice for events and such that can go on during the ball? I'm thinking of a costume competition, but that's about it. :P

Edited by Catíana on 6/24/2012 10:31 PM PDT
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90 Draenei Death Knight
We haven't really had games as much as music and lots of decorations like fireworks, aoe effects, the TB spotlight to go along with the music. This past event Knights of New Avalon helped with the food to hand out. I had gotten the idea from a WrA RP event called ClubTrix, at least for the music.

As for masks, they are advertised as optional, Aeris usually wears goggles she can craft or an eye patch. Some one could use monocles, different headbands, one of the popular masks I've seen at prior parties was the wolf like mask. Anything can work really.

Event ideas, SOme other events I've helped with in other guilds, costume contest, best, worst. a game called "Light or Redemption" a sort of truth or dare. Bare knuckle boxing was popular few years back, this requires the area you're in to be outside a city, participants strip down to their skivvies and a tabard and just use hands in a duel. No rings trinkets etc. and no spells unless they are procced via class spec like Clear casting for druids. COuld always adapt a drinking game to Wow for the event as well. If you have a lot of singles or people wanting to get to know one another you could do a speed dating circles. Raffles are some times good too. I had a raffle at one of the parties and the reward was a kitten from Winterspring. And lastly you could hold a dance contest, though it would need to be done through /e. Might be a little tricky but can be done if the crowd is motivated.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm sad I missed this! Proof that I need to check the forums more often. I'll have to keep an eye out, I'd love to come on one of my Alliance toons. It sounds like a fun event!
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90 Worgen Priest
((Bumping for updated Date))
Seems the Captain will be indisposed with a personal matter, and the reigns been handed over. No' quite sure on the location but would be happy to accept suggestions. If all else fails, To Dalaran we go.
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90 Worgen Priest
The crew set sail a bit early due to a few issues, gave me a chance to look about. Going to set things up for Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge, Thousand Needles. Hope to see you all there! Remember both factions are welcome!
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Bump for a reminder of tomorrow's event. hope to see you there ^.^
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I am looking forward to it. I'll be late getting there, though.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Event is tonight (woo!), so dress up real fancy like and join in on some RP (or /dance - whatever floats your barge).
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Bump for next date and extra flavor!

10pm server during the Ball a Costume Contest

Prizes for; Most Creative (Non-set outfits), Best Costume, and Funniest Costume!

Theme; Heroes Night Out! Dress as your favorite lore heroes ICly speaking, that commander that lit into you and pushed you to become what you are today, or that lady who set a standard for your values. Bring a story with the outfit to honor these men and women who have inspired your attire!
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90 Night Elf Druid
Eye will be there :)

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90 Draenei Death Knight
Bumping as a reminder for this Friday! Lets get out those costumes and stories to match! Looking forward to seeing all who come out.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Hurray for Purple Parlor Friday!
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90 Draenei Death Knight
THe costume contest has been post poned till next month. Same theme; prizes will range from 250g. to 1000g.

Prizes for; Most Creative (Non-set outfits), Best Costume, and Funniest Costume!

Theme; Heroes Night Out! Dress as your favorite lore heroes ICly speaking, that commander that lit into you and pushed you to become what you are today, or that lady who set a standard for your values. Bring a story with the outfit to honor these men and women who have inspired your attire!
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