Pledge to be IC

90 Draenei Death Knight
I'm an RP'er at heart. I like all the aspects of the game but for me RP is where it's at. That's why I came to this server. RP is why this server is home with the stories that have been built over the years. In an effort to keep it that way, I'm setting a pledge. To the server, to the other RP'ers, and even to the trolls out there. This will apply to any of my characters on SoE, Horde and Alliance. Others are welcome to take the pledge too. This is in no way a requirement for anyone who wants to RP, or to say your fail if you don't. It's my effort to keep hold of the roots I found on our server.

Pledge to be IC

Any time logged on an SoE RP character, I will play true to that character to the best of my ability.

When in cities or towns, my characters will walk, unless they have reason to run to their destination. This includes being on mounts flying and ground.

I will use the appropriate channels for out of character conversation. (i.e. trade, general, guild chat[unless specified guild chat is IC])

For any out of character chat in In Character channels ((brackets)) will be used.

Walk up Rp is always welcome. Even when waiting in queues for pvp and pve. If in queue my character will greet walk ups accordingly and excuse themselves before accepting said queue

I will not use abbreviations such as lol, ffs, rofl, ty, yw, wb, etc. in IC chats.

I will be sure to remember in character text is not directed at me as the person behind the computer, nor will I intend any in character actions from my characters towards the person(s) behind fellow Rp character. IC players are in game characters, OOC players are the directors of the story, sitting at their computer.

My characters will not assume to know names, classes, and the like of characters they have just met. They will ackowledge that information when it has been given to them.

My characters are not gods. In any conflict that may arise with another character, an option to react will always be offered, unless specified and agreed on a rolling system.(no godmodding)

I will keep in mind the lore Blizzard has set in the history and story of World of Warcraft.

Aerissette, Miradollia, Josalora, Sahirra, Koyia, Rookelynn, Naitiri

P.S. Are you up for the pledge to be IC?
Edited by Aerissette on 5/19/2012 6:42 PM PDT
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90 Gnome Mage
((Belts and sprockets! Yes!

First victim was a new player who had the misfortune to run across my delusional Ironman Challenger, Bunbury and his dog, Earnest (who, for some strange reason, appeared in the afterlife looking a lot like a spider.)

I will be quite sad when Bunbury meets his true death.))
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85 Draenei Priest
Edited by Ahndraa on 5/31/2012 3:02 PM PDT
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86 Night Elf Priest
I would be all about this if I wasn't so busy running guilds on both factions. But, I can say I will do my best to be IC when I'm in appropriate places in game for my toon to be icly. Anything to promote server unity is a-ok with me! All 10 toons I have on SoE are actively role played so I have no trouble finding someone to be IC! -smiles-
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Toatally all for this when I am in areas to be IC. I've been doing more random RP lately when I have had the time and think this is great for the server, but like Nyks I run a guild on one side and am officer in another on allli, so time can be limited. I start school in July too so that may lesson time as well.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Yall are awesome by the way ^.^ And of course feel free to adapt this to your play style. I totally get that real life comes first sometimes you gotta run to the repair guy or get to a safe spot and run to tend a child, dinner, or anything else that comes up. The more the merrier. You're support is warmly welcomed. And happy to report I've been holding well so far to the pledge, a friend kinda giggled at me for walking between vendors, and I just giggled back at him and told him to check the O boards.

Happy RP to you all and may the only drama that clouds your paths be the beautiful IC drama.
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