Cross-realm zones.

86 Night Elf Priest

Cross-realm zones, discuss!! How do you feel about it SoE?
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85 Draenei Priest
I actually like it, because many friends of mine moved over to WRA...NOW I can master my revenge if we go into those zones and watch them die..or something while I go "OH...Sorry My heal button is broken...Are you okay?" ^^;
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86 Night Elf Priest
That's actually the reason I -don't- like it. If I wanted to mingle with people from WrA, I'd roll a toon over there.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I think with all things it has it's pros and cons, it will make some things easier for people. Yet that is one of the reasons I don't like it, but I also remember when you had to be level 40 to get your first mount. Where has the challenge gone? Also, like you, if I wanted to mingle with from MG or WrA I'd make a toon there...I won't though I like it here and the people that make our community what it is.
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86 Night Elf Priest
Rolling an alt isn't so much something one does because they don't like the community I don't think and more that, you have no open toon slots and you have tons of ideas for characters. If only blizz would give us a couple more slots you know? Giving us two new races in the last expansion and a third in the new one and only -one- toon slot rumored to come in MoP isn't enough for those who've been playing for years and have toons they don't want to have to race change just to enjoy the new races.

I'm likely gonna end up rolling a panda on another server just because I never got to roll a goblin and that's what I'm gonna roll when I get my new slot. Kinda bums me out that those are my only real options unless I wanna destroy a toon I've already built and drop irl cash to do it. Nor do I have the money for another account.
Edited by Natasta on 6/1/2012 12:06 PM PDT
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85 Troll Rogue
Eesh, do I detect a bit of hate for WrA? >_>;
I think it might be a nifty idea, considering some of my friends have toons spread out over several different servers. It makes it easier to do things together.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm with holding thoughts on this until I see it live instead of on Beta. With only two US realms on the beta one PvP and one PvE it is kind of hard to get an actual feel for how it will work when it goes live.

WrA may be an issue for some, however lets wait and see what happens when mist goes live. We will also have to deal with Shadow Council which is my original server and also has some of the same issues we face on SoE and not to mention the under ground RP there as well.
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85 Draenei Mage
It isn't like running into WRA people or MG people would kill anyone. For all you know, they may be one of the most down to earth people you may come across. Not everyone on WRA or MG are complete stuck up jerks.

I believe Blizz is doing that for people who have friends cross-realms so they can do more then just queue up together for heroics/LFR. Nothing wrong with it, nothing bad about it. It's better in the long run for some, instead of starting from 1, once again...Doing old content leveling, Outlands, and Northrend for a 50 billionth time...Which I dunno about you, I aint in the mood to do it allllll again. Especially Outlands.

It is one of those, don't knock it till you try it things. Ya don't like WRA people, cool, fine, but it's like judging a book by it's cover in the end.
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