[RP] Biergarten BBQ in Dalaran!

90 Human Hunter
Our server needs more RP events, therefore RP events I shall host.

Your ever lovely and pompous nobleman, Lord Byrond Worthington the Second is hosting a BBQ party in Dalaran, namely the Beer Garden area where fun, shenanigans, and beer-drinking competitions are afloat!

Date and Time: Saturday. 23 of June, 6 PM server time.

Dress code: Casual, Beer-fest theme, or just casual.

There will be no raid invitations or whatsoever, so just plop in and have fun! Beer and Meat are on the house!


Le Nobleman and Grillmaster Extraordinare

Edited by Byrond on 6/19/2012 1:46 PM PDT
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Ah fragglerock! Farfallen would love a fine brew, in fact it's what he lives for these days.

Sadly, I will be far away from home and computer WED through MON, so I will have to make up with a WoW binge when I return.

But great idea, and I hope you'll have a solid turnout.
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90 Human Hunter
Funny how when threads about personal drama popped out, everyone flocked to it like teenage girls on a JB concert and when RP threads chimes in, barely anyone seemed to care...

And -WE- complain about lack of RP. Hur dur dur derp...

Also, Farf. I'm saving a keg for you!
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85 Dwarf Shaman
You kind Sir know how to treat an old dwarf.

I'll be lookin' fer tha keg next time.

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90 Human Hunter
Event updated due to time constraint and clashing.
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90 Human Hunter
Folks! Thanks for those who participated despite myself having the bad luck of getting my power cut 2 hours into the event.

Needless to say, despite being late for an hour and a half I'd like to thank the few people who actually stayed in the Beer Garden. Wondering what happened to my sorry backside and assembled to dunk on the remaining beer and kebab sticks!

Please do look foward to the next Beer Garden.
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85 Tauren Hunter
There better not be any beef on the table.
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90 Human Hunter
06/24/2012 11:29 PMPosted by Pridehoof
There better not be any beef on the table.

Uhh...About that. Don't worry.

It's...imported Northrend Beef, yes yes!

Cousin of Azerothian Beef, yes? Still lovely to taste!
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