Looking for fun RP

Hey guys!

I wondered if someone would be kind enough to help me. Basically i've recently started playing WoW again over the last 2 months and have just a made toon on this realm - I played originally in bc and loved to roleplay on the EU Servers. I'd love to get back into it as it was so much fun.
I wouldn't say i'm the best but if the rules etc are the same as they were on EU then i'm pretty much experienced in this aspect of the game somewhat more than I am in PvE or PvP.

So could someone or a few of you post below with information regarding the RP aspect of this realm please? Things such as where to find it - Theme - Activity etc

Edited by Krukk on 6/21/2012 1:07 AM PDT
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Welcome back to the game and SoE ^.^

I can't say I've played on an EU server before, but when I kind of threw in the Raiding towel and wanted to look into RP and the game again, I transferred a character here to SoE. That was almost 4 years ago and it's been home since. We've had ups and downs, I'd like to say at least as far as Ally side goes, the RP is growing and life is good.

From my understanding the channels are the same on both factions, /join LFRP or /join RPchatter .
Beware of the trolls mon.. hehe j/k.. okay not entirely but not the tribal ones, the ones you'll find everywhere trying to bring people down. There have been several incidents that people came looking for RP and post in trade just to be run off by said trolls. Ignore them, we're here and thriving.

Alot of the RP has been guild related and may be difficult to find at times. Ally side there are a lot of events going on and I know on Sundays 'The Broken House' sponsor a story hour in Thunderbluff around 7. Hand of The Sun also has an event coming up on the first of July at the Dark Moon Faire.

As for any rules... well we have a diverse group of RP'ers here on SoE I'd bet most of my gold that you could find a group that fits your taste. I think the most anyone can ask is to try to keep the OOC chatter to a minimum when RP'ing in /say like the lols and rofl kinda stuff.

If you'd like to do some forum perusing I'd suggest taking a look at the unofficial realm forums. www.sistersofelune.net Both factions take part here and the Mods do their best to keep out the drama effectively.

When in doubt, roll a lowbie alt and join us at the pub. Though people are spread between guilds we are a bit of a close group, especially the veteran members. I'd prefer to think of the SoE community as a family. We have our disfunctions but we're still here and overcome quite a bit.

Be sure to check out the stickies on this forum for realm events and guild listings. They may be slightly out of date but if you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Again Welcome! Hope you find all that your looking for as I had when I first arrived.
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Thanks for the reply!

It was pretty fun with the RP on EU - (I live in the UK but found that people playing EU were slightly more unpleasant than the majority of players over on the US)
I have a 85 Dranei Paladin on Hydraxis which I am hoping to possibly transfer over to SoE if I can find what i'm looking for - I have heard good things about the RP on SoE.

As for the OOC chatter, imo too much of that spoils the imaginative atmosphere unless it's needed to discuss your next move with your fellow RP'er in /w ofcourse. - Well that's how it worked before, whether it does here I am unsure. I'll pick it up again soon hopefully after a few encounters with my little annoying goblin.
I'll also take a look at the forum you suggested too, thanks for that.

Once again thanks for the reply and i'll hopefully see you soon ingame!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Welcome back to WoW and welcome to SoE! ^_^

Yes, please feel free to come hang out at the aforementioned story hour! The Broken House hosts a Storytelling event every Sunday night at 7:00 PM ST at the bonfire in Thunder Bluff, and there's always RP afterwards to give you a chance to get to know people! We would love to see you there!
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90 Night Elf Druid
I had the opportunity to participate in some RP last night, and friends, it was glorious! (Seriously thank you for letting me just come bumbling in and seamlessly integrating Eyezeria in the action).

Coming to the open RP events is a great place to start, but also look for players who have the MyRP addon enabled (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/my-role-play). Say "hi", and some quick RP usually follows which can lead to more.

Happy RPing, and welcome to SoE!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
There is also sistersofelune.net for the rp community as a place to post stories and network some.
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