Helping the Hordies <3

90 Human Rogue
So I have been noticing (No offense to anyone on horde) that horde has lost the fire of PvP. I mean like no raids on SW, little resistance when we come to org, or even when I come just with myself. I guess you guys do fight in the tram, where there are no guards and people have to spawn in, but whatever floats your boat I guess (Again no offense to anyone who did that).

So what I am trying to say is that it seems horde is now the under-dog of this server which is the exact opposite of WotLK. So I have decided that I am gonna level a charecter over here and see what I can do to get things started up. I will also talk to a few of my friends that I know prefer horde that way we can definatly begin attack SW and weaking the alliance moral. I look forward to fighting with you hordies in the up-comming time! Till than Good luck everyone and have a good day! =D
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23 Orc Warrior
This is the alt I am now leveling, and yes I know you love his name<3.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
06/21/2012 07:08 AMPosted by Anonymøus
So what I am trying to say is that it seems horde is now the under-dog of this server which is the exact opposite of WotLK.

...we're an RP server. Nobody really cares about PvP all that much. That's why you don't see anything -- we're busy doing other things.
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90 Human Rogue
Yes that Is true, but there is still the community that PvPs correct? I am sorry I was pointing this thread at them. Sorry if I did not make that clear enough.
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85 Human Warrior
06/21/2012 12:30 PMPosted by Anonymøus
Yes that Is true, but there is still the community that PvPs correct? I am sorry I was pointing this thread at them. Sorry if I did not make that clear enough.

PvP community or not, we could care less even if Alliance have the upper hand right now. We have better things to do than humping the gates of Orgrimmar.

Like checking to see which outfit makes me more fabulous. I can't decide between purple or pink.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Well.. we may be an RP realm, but i'd be happy to rise to the challenge. Have several ally toons and currently 2 horde here, one may be visiting the chopping block for an RP idea. <3 Pvp btw and Have noticed the changes as well.

@ the others... If I'm not mistaken the RP community is recovering from a substantial downfall. How many posts have there been q.q'ing over RP posts on the forums. By denying that there no one cares cause folks are now off RP'ing and no one cares for the other aspects what are you proving other than being as elitist as those you've spoken out against? There is no harm in someone coming to these forums looking for Pvp goodies.

In particular Gott, when Ally was on the down side, did you not try to form a pvp group with Hoku for rated BG's. I could be mistaken so I apologize if I'm wrong.

And my last point is looking through the forums there have been quite a few pvp and pve posts, perchance you should speak for yourselves before you speak for the server.
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90 Human Rogue
Lol thanks aerissette for saying exactly what I was thinking=D, and gottfried I would go with purple.
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85 Human Warrior

In particular Gott, when Ally was on the down side, did you not try to form a pvp group with Hoku for rated BG's. I could be mistaken so I apologize if I'm wrong.

I miss those days, but could never get enough people for it. We did...about 2 or 3 successful RBG games but that's about it.

Not trying to criticize the server or anything though, we just don't have the swag like we used to have it. Being the underdog was much fun for me back then. It feels like having King Leonidas next to you.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
[quote="58892203843"]Like checking to see which outfit makes me more fabulous. I can't decide between purple or pink.

Oh oh oh oh oh the purple! The purrrrrple!
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100 Tauren Druid
06/21/2012 11:49 AMPosted by Shade
...we're an RP server. Nobody really cares about PvP all that much. That's why you don't see anything -- we're busy doing other things.

That isn't always the case. Because your personal preference isn't PvP doesn't mean no one in the community. For a rather long time the PvP community was as busy if not busier and more active than the RP community. Especially with the bickering, at least when the PvPers bicker it is mostly out of respect for the others skill. And if they is serious issues then they throw down get it out of the way.
RP is like the women of this gaming community. Point fingers talk behind one another's backs cry in public so everyone can see. Call people out without using their name but stating a situation where anyone who knows them is going to know. I mean he wasn't even talking about RP. But yet Rpers have to bring it up.

Where as with PvP... You get in a fight you settle the issue you move on. The End.
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90 Human Rogue
Thanks you rophy <3 wanted to say all that also, but I am trying to become a bit nicer lol =D
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
RP is like the women of this gaming community. Point fingers talk behind one another's backs cry in public so everyone can see. Call people out without using their name but stating a situation where anyone who knows them is going to know. I mean he wasn't even talking about RP. But yet Rpers have to bring it up.

Honey I don't know if you've noticed or not but I'm primarily a raider these days. And I'm not talking about RPers not being interested in PvP, I'm talking about the fact that this is an RP server. People who roll here, their focus isn't generally on world PvP. Do I like world PvP? Sure, every now and again. I'm sorta hoping maybe Mists will set it off again. I mean I come from old school Tarren Mill vs. Southshore here.

However, the fact that it's an RP server combined with the fact that it's low-pop combined with the fact that hell, the server seems like a ghost town more often than not means that there's just not a lot of interest at the moment. It's the end of the expansion, Diablo III launched, a lot of people found other stuff to go mess around with and other things to do while twiddling their thumbs waiting for Mists.

I don't think either side, frankly, is the "underdog" right now, I think most players are on a break doing other stuff.
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100 Tauren Druid
Yea Arch I understand, I on the other hand still have little patience for people who try to brush off another's interests simply based off a label.

I wouldn't notice because I spend most of my time either in a BG (when I am one of my 85 alts on SoE) or by the honor vendors. When I am on Rophy I am doing all sorts of things clearing madness, doing 3s, currently picked up making weak attempts at loremaster. Not that I ever communicated with you anyways. And I don't think world PvP, no matter the server or size, will be the focus of the community. Does not mean someone can't try to spark some interest. And Horde is the underdog if for no other reason than most of their good PvPers are either on break waiting for the next expansion or transferred off completely.

Point of me saying anything here, I applaud you for taking initiative arch and trying to keep another aspect of this game alive.
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90 Human Warrior
IMO spontaneous world pvp will always be one of the most exciting parts of wow. It is at its best when numbers and determination are roughly equal. Particularly at slow times like these; a jolt of random excitement is always welcome.
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Pawncakes let me know when you get to level 80 i have a paladin id join in with.
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90 Blood Elf Mage
I'd love to see some more Horde PvP. I did notice that it went down a lot. No one cares for Tol Barad or (especially) Wintergrasp anymore.

When I swapped from Ally to Horde due to peer pressure, I thought I'd get a lot of good PvP going, but it seems liek it's more of a chore than fun anymore.

I would love to finally get my 9 WG victories and get that master achievement.
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90 Human Warrior
Never! Kitistra lol. Im glad you have some buyers remorse about faction swapping. I will continue to try to thwart you in your quest for WG master, and when you do get it I'll congratulate you. Good luck sir. "salute"
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85 Blood Elf Priest
me & my bf Came here few days ago once we get our gear set for pvp we will be doing TB alot & maybe WG since im one making him go :P so hopefully soon i can get us finished.
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100 Troll Druid
me & my bf Came here few days ago once we get our gear set for pvp we will be doing TB alot & maybe WG since im one making him go :P so hopefully soon i can get us finished.

Welcome!!!!!!!! Horde could always use some more people for TB :D
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85 Orc Warrior
Ima take a wild guess the horde dont have to fight for quing for only 5 anymore in TB like at start of xpack? For the few allies that showed to try to escape across bridge at end of match to only get mowed down by all the hordies that tried to get in at end of it?
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