Mists of Pandaria Starting Zone RP

The faction selection process for Pandaren is unique: before making the choice of aligning with either Horde or Alliance, an NPC will advise the character that the decision could turn former friends and family into sworn enemies.

So I had this idea: it would be loads of fun to RP the starting zone with a partner, and then go different ways at the very end.

I am considering rolling a male Pandaren with the next expansion. If anyone is interested in doing the RP and opting for a specific faction, I will happily take the other. I would love to give this RP with some "real life" implications a try. I am not set on what the relationship of the two characters would be (brothers, friends, father-daughter, fellow monks in training), but it would be fun to see this choice play out with actual consequences.

If interested, contact me in game (H: Rongar, A: Eyezeria, Corissa, Farfallen). There is also no need to do this on launch day. This could be done well into the expansion, and you certainly don't need to continue leveling your Pandaren character unless you want to.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
You know I don't really have the TIME to do this, but it is a really, really cool idea!
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Ah, the Sah of Lack of Time rears its ugly head. I know what you mean, Shade.

Speaking of time, I need to add that I would not be logging on until about 10:00 PM server time, weekends or week days. That's just how it is for me with kids, work, stuff. So if anyone is interested in giving this a try with me, please be aware of this *minor* time constraint (which I should have probably mentioned in the original post).

And if you are trying this with a friend, I'd love to hear how it went for you.
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90 Human Warrior
Sounds like fun, Just now getting back into the RP Scene after a 3 year break. Wink do you even still RP?
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07/17/2012 06:20 PMPosted by Grimun
Sounds like fun, Just now getting back into the RP Scene after a 3 year break. Wink do you even still RP?

Since you are just returning, welcome back!

I have only been on this server for about a year, so I cannot give you an accurate summary how RP has changed since three years ago. Honest answer, RP does happen, but it is limited. You need to look in certain spots (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3595675835, http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2228418866), and chatting other players up in /rpchatter and being connected to an RP friendly guilds does help. Overall, Alliance side seems to be more active as well of late.

That said, I have enjoyed a tremendous amount of role playing on my Alliance characters over the last few weeks. The last couple of nights, when we were out and about, we even had others joining in unprompted.

RP does happen, it may just take some patience as well as making a conscious decision to seek RP out rather than hoping to just find it by accident (on that note though, look for walkers!).
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