LF Alch to craft a Vial of Sands

86 Blood Elf Paladin
Hello, I'm searching for someone to make me a Vial of Sands. I'll tip.
Let me know your toon's name and I'll get in contact.
Thank you!
Edited by Mallicia on 7/23/2012 5:01 AM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Got it, thank you Valkiyre.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Just updating - I still play, and I do exist :p (Valkiyre is my shaman).

I'm mostly piddling on alts - but if you ask anyone in illumination to pass your name on, I'll be sure to mail to make arrangements to craft. I didn't realize til today that only a few of us are still on regularly who can craft it.

Take it easy, and thanks to Ternura for letting me know to post!
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