Calling Alliance Players for Heroic DS 8/8

85 Draenei Paladin
Hello, I am a Zen Raid Leader and I'm writing to you because I am concerned with heroic raiding post 5.0.4 as I do not see the raider base to be capable of performing at the same level with the new talent systems in place.

As it stands the alliance has not downed H madness of Deathwing while the horde has only one guild that has passed the 25 man test, I find that unacceptable for this server has many fine players that have had problems with scheduling or core teams etc, and as such it is my initiative to put together a masterful team to conquer the 8/8 HDS 10man challenge, for the alliance and I say hesitantly for our guilds.

After considering the 9/25/12 deadline for MOP and, more pressingly the upcoming Patch that will force us to re master our classes, along with the recent scheduling conflicts we have had in zen;s core team I have decided to post to the forums in search of quality players interested in finishing the XPAC before it hits. I am not trying to poach players instead I am actually looking to team up, for the benefit for our server so that more teams are able to walk away with a hard earned Title at current content.

Our team is currently 6/8, We raid on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8pm server, though we are looking to add in more days as necessary to complete the content before the patch, If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of please by all means send me a tell or a message in game, and we will negotiate a schedule to get this done.

thank you for your time,
Edited by Ranpu on 7/27/2012 12:01 AM PDT
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24 Troll Druid
Stay away
Edited by Zenkiki on 7/27/2012 1:45 AM PDT
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100 Troll Druid
Tbh that was a little harsh, but still good for the Alliance. I still think you all are alliance scum, but I hope that you guys can get a DW kill for the good of the realm.
Edited by Zultani on 7/27/2012 12:57 AM PDT
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85 Draenei Paladin
I like raiding heroics, and I like my guild? talk about a felony.
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90 Human Rogue
Your a felon for making me raid so much Ranpu. :)
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100 Troll Druid
Not a felony at all :D
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90 Troll Druid
Good luck!
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90 Dwarf Priest
Are you looking to team up for 25s, or 10s? HMadness only, or more?
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
The 38 pts in prot is amusing. Reminds me of the guy I healed back in wrath who had all 71 pts in prot.
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85 Draenei Paladin
07/27/2012 12:32 PMPosted by Katri
Are you looking to team up for 25s, or 10s? HMadness only, or more?

starting with 10s and perhaps pushing into 25s, we have a raid team sitting at 8/10 that is capable but we lost 2 of our consistent players to family or scheduling for the next couple weeks,

if we can get the people together i would love to see a joint effort on 25's
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85 Draenei Paladin
07/27/2012 02:44 PMPosted by Ehlana
The 38 pts in prot is amusing. Reminds me of the guy I healed back in wrath who had all 71 pts in prot.

works for me, and for the alliances highest progressed raid teams... you think you can do me one better, lets talk.
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90 Human Priest
The Zen guild is always open to players that wish to see raid content.

Entry-level raiders are welcome and will be provided with opportunities to see gear and experience appropriate content. As your gear and experience levels rise, so will your opportunities to progress in content.

Zen welcomes experienced players to join our cohesive band of raid teams as we strive to knock down the newest content as it arrives.

No matter what your gear level or experience, we have appropriate events on our schedule to accommodate and challenge you as a player.

Any Zen member has the ability to invite you into the guild. For raid slot opportunity information, seek out Penelopae. For PvP event information, do likewise, or see a rogue named Anonymous.

If you have recently transferred to our fair realm, or if you are unsatisfied with your current guild arrangement, come see what the Mighty Zen Raiding Guild is all about. As the premier Alliance guild experience on this realm, we encourage you to join up and participate in our extremely active member base and content events.

A shout out as well, to our Friend guilds! Cooperative inter-guild events can be a satisfying way to meet your neighbors on SoE. If you see an open event advertised in Tarde Channel, please do not pass up a wonderful opportunity for your small, family guild to play alongside your friends and neighbors on the Sisters realm.

And as always, we are certainly seeking experienced raiders to join in our efforts against the evils that threaten Azeroth. (And to rack up sexy acheivements and phat loots)

Thanks, and I wish you all the best,
- Penelopae
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