Sisters of Elune - RP

90 Undead Warlock
Hey there, I'm looking for a new RP server and was wondering how the Roleplay on SoE is, or any others. Currently from Wyrmrest Accord.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Moonguard has more to choose from and is much less clique-ish. I've been on this server for about 5 years now, there isn't a very big selection of RP guilds like there use to be. If you were intent on staying here though I'd suggest Broken House or Knights of the New Dawn for guilds. Those two are full of friendly people and drama free that I've seen.
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Hi Acalinia!

My suggestion is to roll an alt, attend a few of the open RP events (, join our /rpchatter channel (same for both factions), and take note who makes RP posts on this forum and hit us up in game.

Additionally, you can also check out the SoE community site to see who RPs more frequently.

As a general thought, Alliance RP - at this time - tends to be a bit more active. There is quality RP to be found on SoE on both factions, but sometimes it's necessary to poke around a bit and know where to look.
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