All good things......

91 Night Elf Hunter
Greetings SoE,

My guild Vado Intereo in Incendia died last night. I find myself today for the first time in over 4 years without an ingame guild tag. Not sure why the guild tag still shows up on my profile page but I am sure it will fade in time as well. But for now, I just needed something to last. Some mark that we actually existed even if only in memories now. The memories are too many to put down, the friends that I made over the years long as well. But as the bard said,"All good things must come to an end."

Why did we fall apart? Not sure I will ever know the complete answer. I know real life is the slave that draws us away and is an evil taskmaster. But the economy, illness, family, and just real life in general chipped and chipped away till we just had to call it quits last night.

To, Pelianth, Muran, Volcanus, Mut, and Vlad I will miss you guys the most in guild chat. Kadith, you old fart, I guess some part of me will miss you too. I wish you all the very best. Nothing will ever replace the times we had in Uld, and ICC. Our successes were just as much fun as our wipes. Thanks for the great memories.

One last time just for you Peli.....VOLLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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90 Human Warrior
Sorry to hear that...many guilds had a massive downturn this xpac. Good luck finding new friends to have fun with in game. Remember there are other girls at the dance.
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90 Dwarf Paladin
It is indeed a very sad time for the few of us. I do wish that i could have been there for it but alas as you have said Tal, real life just gets in the way sometimes. I do hope that you do find another group of ppl that will accept you and you get to have as much fun as we did.
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